
Depth Topics

             Changes—Panel Consolidation

Not only are some panelboards underutilized, but so too are main distribution panels, the bus duct, and transformers.  I propose to redesign all major electrical equipment starting from the service entrance based on the needs of the occupant.

Additions—Photo Voltaic Array

The sawtooth fenestrations on the factory roof is the perfect opportunity for a Photo Voltaic array.   The analysis would include: Drawings indicating the proposed layout, cost analysis based on estimates of materials and installation, a wiring diagram, and a building shadow study.  The results of the analysis would also determine the correct orientation of the panels, and an estimate of the payback period.

Breadth Topics


I propose to include an architectural breadth.  This would include a complete redesign of the main entrance and lobby area.  As it stands the main entrance is difficult to pick out of the many entrances.  When the building was redone in the 80’s the main entrance was moved from the street to the parking lot. However they just used a side door.  My proposition is to make the current main entrance a prominent architectural statement, and to match the style of the existing building.  This redesign would affect the façade and lobby space as well as any systems that it may pertain to.  This may include the mechanical system, roof and wall structure, sprinkler system, and lighting including daylighting. 


I propose to conduct an acoustical analysis of the factory space.  Included would be a visit to the factory to take baseline measurements of equipment noise.  Then a comparison to OSHA standards would show where the sound level stands.  Noise reduction solutions such as hanging panels, resonance chambers, and floating slabs will be investigated.  The space will be modeled, and an appropriate solution will be obtained.  This solution will be coupled with a cost analysis.

eric anderson

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