Depth Topics
A proposed redesign of the lab make-up air configuration will be explored. This involves utilizing transfer air from offices and other non-hazardous spaces to be used as make-up air for the exhaust-driven lab spaces. This will greatly reduce the amount of unused ventilation air from being exhausted from the building. It will also reduce the district steam and chilled water loads of the AHU’s and the chilled beams.
In addition to the make-up air modification, I will be researching the addition of a Ground Source Heat Pump. This will also result in reduced district steam and chilled water loads throughout the year. Energy savings and operating strategies will be analyzed to achieve optimal performance.
Breadth Topics
The breadth topics to be analyzed include natural daylighting strategies and construction impacts of all of the design changes proposed.
The natural daylighting strategy involves adding double height windows that extend into the large plenum space between floors, as well as integrated light sensors and continuous dimming ballasts. This can be implemented in the majority of the lab and office spaces throughout the building, potentially leading to significant energy savings.
Construction impacts will be researched for the make-up air modification, GSHP, and double height windows. Specifically, the schedule impacts, cost impacts, and coordination issues of each of these design changes will be assessed.