Ryan Korona | Construction Management

The New Indian Valley Highschool

501 Sixth Street, Lewistown Pennsylvania 17044



Student Bio & Resume

Building Stats 1

Building Stats 2

Thesis Abstract

Tech Assignments

Thesis Research

Thesis Proposal


Final Report



Thesis Proposal

Repost 01-20-11

*Mechanical Changed to re-orientation rather than elimination*



Original Post 12-10-10


Senior Thesis Final Proposal reviews the four analyses that are contained within the final thesis report. Each analysis centers on a specific construction industry scenario unique to the research building, the New Indian Valley High School. This thesis analysis specifically looks at improving efficiency and critical issues within the construction industry by further exploring areas such as: Sustainability, Value Engineering, Critical Industry Issues and Schedule Acceleration. Proposed analyses are geared to encompass multiple areas so that thorough research may be attained.

Technical Analysis #1: Feasibility and Design Study of Sustainable Energy

The New Indian Valley High School project will not achieve a LEED Certification upon completion. However, few sustainable techniques were used to attempt to achieve LEED certification. The goal of this analysis will be to produce a feasibility study that illustrates how the integration of systems such as photovoltaic panels and windmills into the current buildings energy system will provide the owner with sufficient gains in the future.  Additionally, an electrical breadth study to investigate potential system tie-in requirements for the sustainable systems will be conducted.

Technical Analysis #2: Re-orientation of Vertical Geothermal Mechanical System

Unforeseen project delays arose during well drilling for the geothermal mechanical system. Due to the scope of excavation and site work to be performed on the project that lies on the critical path, eliminating extra drilling that has caused delays may be an area to investigate. The goal of this analysis is to reorient the current geothermal mechanical system to a horizontal loop geothermal mechanical system and the costs factors assocciated with reorientation.

Technical Analysis #3: Short Interval Production Schedule Development

Many areas of two phases of the construction are similar and repetitive. This provides a unique opportunity to implement Short Interval Production Scheduling (SIPS) on a smaller scale. The goal of this analysis will show how the SIPS will provide ways to raise work efficiency and quality due to repetitive nature of the work.

Technical Analysis #4: Building Orientation/Re-Design Excavation Effects

Site properties open a door for potential building re-orientation/footprint redesign due to the amount of excavation work. The ridge line north of the current high school serves as the new location of the new high school. This ridge line consists of a moderate slope which requires extensive excavation, grading, earth reinforcement and the placement of retaining walls to prepare the site for use. The goal of this analysis will be to re-orient the building on the site to see if a potential savings in cost could be attained without sacrificing owner expectations.

Breadth Analysis #1: Renewable Energy/Electric

The power distribution designed for the New Indian Valley High School is a 480Y/277, 3-phase system supplied from the public power grid. Requirements needed to integrate current energy and sustainable energy systems will be explored to provide the direct energy savings to the owner.

Breadth Analysis #2: Mechanical

The current mechanical system is a geothermal mechanical system that proved to be problematic during construction.  The substitution of a more traditional mechanical system would eliminate the unforeseen well drilling issues and delays. Exploration into impacts of mechanical systems load and housing of potential additional equipment must be considered to determine if true sustainable value can be found in the geothermal mechanical system.








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Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work‐in‐progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Ryan Korona. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.


This page was last updated on 01-20-2011

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