Chevron Annex

Pittsburgh, PA

Robert Mroskey | Construction Option

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Student Bio

Building Statistics

Building Abstract

Tech Assignments

Thesis Research

Thesis Proposal


Final Report




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AISC, First. Steel Construction Manual. 14th. American Institute of Steel Construction, 2011. Print.


Bowden, S. L. (2005). Application of mobile it in construction.


“Garden Roofs.” American Hydrotech, USA. 5 Feb 2012.


Ghildyal, U. (2012). Renaissance 3 Architects. (R. Mroskey, Interviewer)


“Green Roofs.” Green Building Alliance. 20 Feb 2012.


Grondzik, W. T. (2009). Principles of building commissioning. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Meuschke, D. (2012). Burchick Construction, Inc. (R. Mroskey, Interviewer)


Scaramuzzo, J. (2012). Burchick Construction, Inc. (R. Mroskey, Interviewer)


Snodgrass, E. C., & McIntyre, L. (2010). The green roof manual. Portland: Timber Press.


Stouden, J. (2012). Mascaro Construction. (R. Mroskey, Interviewer)


“Tablets Take Off in Construction.” Engineering News-Record. 15Jan 2012.


“Vela Systems.” Vela Systems. 5 March 2012.


Senior Thesis Home Page | Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | Contact Me
Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained here with is considered a work in progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Robert Mroskey. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.
This page was last updated on April 3, 2012.
This website is hosted by the AE Department © 2011/2012.