Brad Frederick - Structural Engineer
Brad Frederick is a fifth-year senior studying architectural engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. He will graduate in December 2013 with a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering (Structural Option), Masters of Science in Architectural Engineering, and a minor in Architectural Studies. Brad’s coursework focuses on the structural aspects of building design and construction. His studies include the basic design of steel and concrete structural members, computer modeling of building structures, earthquake-resistant design of buildings, and the science and design of building enclosures, among other topics. Additionally, Brad’s research focuses on the use of the Limit Design approach to designing special reinforced masonry shear walls for buildings in earthquake applications.
During the summer of 2012, Brad spent time working as a research assistant for the Architectural Engineering department’s research lab. He aided in the testing of structural components including a concrete column reinforced with ultrahigh-strength steel reinforcement and a segment of curtain wall subjected to racking forces that mimic those of an earthquake. In the fall of 2012, Brad also began working as a teaching assistant for the introductory course to the design of concrete structural members.
In addition to Brad’s work in the classroom, he also participates in several different student organizations. Brad has held leadership positions in the Penn State chapters of the Student Society of Architectural Engineers, the Structural Engineers’ Association, and the Engineering Orientation Network. Brad is an also an active member of the Penn State chapter of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. He also participates in and organizes teams for intramural flag football and basketball at Penn State.
To view Brad's resume, please click here.