The Thesis Proposal details the four analysis topics to be performed during the spring semester for the Susquehanna Center Project. The Susquehanna Center Project consists of a renovation of 49,159 square foot and an addition of 58,640 square foot and costs $26.7M. In the three technical assignments done during the fall semester the project was analyzed from a construction management perspective as a preparation for the core thesis analysis that will take place during the spring semester. Found below is a link to the Thesis Proposal file and below that are descriptions of the four chosen research topics.
Analysis topics:
Analysis 1:Weather impact on the foundation system schedule
This research will analyze how weather impacts the construction of a foundation and how does that come into play in the scheduling process. Also, this research will help find how much does a construction team rely on weather forecasts and what techniques are used in order to prevent weather damages. That should reflect on the scheduling process and the duration of the respective tasks.
Analysis 2: Initiation of BIM in renovation projects
The second analysis will to find the best way to make this project eligible and make it feasible to use BIM. A study will be done in the most efficient ways to convert the documentation of the old building into a BIM friendly format. Also, it will aim to find how to go about educating other parties in the project about BIM and the importance of it in an efficient manner.
Analysis 3: Alternative façade system
The third analysis’s goal is to come up with a better alternative façade system and compare it with the old and current system to see what were the owner’s different options were with the cost labeled in each option. This requires a value engineering study for the old and current façade systems and a new alternative façade system proposal which includes new architectural and structural designs. Additionally, it will include a mechanical breadth that will analyze the cooling load according to the new architectural design.
Breadth topics:
Architectural Breadth
Analysis 3, Alternative façade system, includes an architectural breadth as it is needed to redesign the façade system to propose an alternative façade system. The process will start by studying the old and current façade systems, where it will be looked at from an architectural point of view, and what the key architectural features that have been changed. After that, all the information gained will be gathered and taken into account while designing the façade. The final product would be 3D model of the new proposed façade.
Mechanical Breadth
Analysis 3 will also include a mechanical breadth that will analyze the HVAC system (specifically the cooling system) of the fitness center. A potential solution for Analysis 3 is to change the type of glazing and that would affect the cooling system of the fitness center.