Hydrologic Systems Analysis Group

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 [‘water cut’ by mary bourne. commissioned by eccp for the eden benchmarks collection]



Congratulations to Katie van Werkhoven and Keith Sawicz for winning American Geophysical Union Outstanding Student Paper Awards for their presentations during the 2007 Fall Meeting!

-          Katie van Werkhoven - Characterization of watershed model behavior and sensitivity-guided parameter estimation across a hydroclimatic gradient.

-          Keith Sawicz - Is spatial proximity of watersheds a sufficient guide to hydrologic similarity?


New Paper Published

Van Werkhoven, K., Wagener, T., Reed, P. and Tang, Y. 2008. Characterization of watershed model behavior across a hydroclimatic gradient. Water Resources Research, 44, doi:10.1029/2007WR006271. [pdf]


Our Research

Hydrology deals with the movement and storage of water in complex environmental systems in which humans are important actors. A systems approach is needed to properly advance the science of hydrology and to achieve water security for people and for nature. Our group uses systems methods to advance hydrologic theory and to build and evaluate predictive models for sustainable water management. Particular current interests are predictions in ungauged basins, uncertainty in hydrologic modeling, catchment classification, and scenario analysis.

A basic assumption in all our efforts is that education and research are inherently related and cannot be treated separately. Current educational interests include the development of case studies for water resource engineering and the use of new technology like tablet PCs and student response systems in the classroom.

We are always looking for highly motivated graduate students and postdocs to join our group. If any of the above topics (both research and education) interest you, then please contact us.

Thorsten Wagener (thorsten at engr.psu.edu), Pennsylvania State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 226b Sackett Building, University Park, PA16802, tel. +1.814.865.5673, fax. +1.814.863.7304.