Dr. Christopher J. Duffy
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Penn State University (814) 863-4384 (phone) |
Research | Courses | Vitae |
Primary Research Interests
Stochastic and numerical modeling of groundwater flow and solute
transport, modeling large-scale hydrologic systems.
Specific Research Topics
Stability of a Two-State Hillslope Model
Concentration-Discharge Dynamics in Watersheds
Visualizing Dynamics of Layered Hillslopes
Spatio-temporal analysis of the forced Richards' Equation
Theory and Numerical Experiments for Macroporous Hillslopes
Modeling Soil Moisture of a Semi-arid Hillslope
Modal Analysis of Complex Groundwater Chemistry
Courses Taught at Penn State
C E 360, Fluid Mechanics
C E 361, Engineering Hydrology
C E 555, Groundwater Modeling
C E 556, Tracer & Contaminant Transport
C E 598, Visualization and Presentation
1992 Ph.D., Hydrology, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
1976 M.S., Hydrology, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
1975 B.S., Environmental Engineering, New Mexico Institute of Mining
and Technology
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department,
The Pennsylvania State University (1989 - present)
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department,
Utah State University (1988 - 1989)
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department,
Utah State University (1982 - 1988)
Professional Registrations
American Institute of Hydrology, Certification No. HG-362
Professional Memberships
American Geophysical Union, Hydrology section
American Society of Civil Engineers
Association of Environmental Engineering Professors
American Society Engineering Education
American Water Resources Association
Geological Society of America, Hydrogeology Division
American Institute of Hydrology
Sigma Xi
Honors and Awards
Awarded U. S. Naval Achievement Medal with the combat V, by Secretary
of the Navy,
for outstanding service during two tours of Vietnam duty, U. S. Navy
Mobile Construction Bat. 5 and 8, 1968-1970.
Recent Publications
Duffy, C.J., 2004, Semi-discrete dynamical model for mountain-front
recharge and water balance estimation, Rio Grande of southern Colorado
and New Mexico, in Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment: The
Southwestern United States, edited by J.F. Hogan, F.M. Phillips, and
B.R. Scanlon, Water Science and Applications Series, vol.
9, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 255-271.
Duffy, C and D. Brandes, 2001, Dimension Reduction and Source Identification for Multispecies Groundwater Contamination. Journal Of Contaminant Hydrology, 48 . 151-165. (Principal Author)
Newman, B.D., C.J. Duffy, and D.D. Hickmott, 2001. Evaluating the hydrogeochemical response of springs using singular spectrum analysis and phase-plane plots, in New Approaches to Characterising Groundwater Flow, edited by Seiler and Wohnlich, International Assn. of Hydrogeologists, 762-767.
K.K. Droegemeier, J.D. Smith, S. Businger, C. Doswell III, J. Doyle, C. Duffy, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, T. Graziano, L.D. James, V. Krajewski, M. LeMone, D. Lettenmaier, C. Mass, R. Pielke Sr., P. Ray, S. Rutledge, J. Schaake, and E. Zipser, Hydrological Aspects of Weather Prediction and Flood Warnings: Report of the Ninth Prospectus Development Team of the U.S. Weather Research Program. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, March 2000. (Contributing author)
Entekhabi, E., G. R. Asrar, A.K. Betts, K.J. Beven, R.L. Bras, C.J. Duffy, T. Dunne, R.D. Koster, D.P. Lettenmaier, D.B. McLaughlin, W. J. Shuttleworth, M.T. van Genuchten, M. Wei, E.F. Wood, 1999, An Agenda for Land-Surface Hydrology Research and a Call for the Second International Hydrological Decade, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 80(10). Pp. 2043-2058.
Duffy, C. J., K. Cooley, N. Mock, D.H. Lee, 1991, Self-affine scaling and subsurface response to snowmelt in steep terrain, Journal of Hydrology, 123, 395-414.
Duffy, C. J. and D. H. Lee, 1992, Baseflow response from nonpoint source contamination: simulated spatial uncertainty in source, structure , and initial condition, Water Resources Research, 28 (3), 905-914.
Fan, Y. and C. J. Duffy, 1993, Statistical Analysis of Monthly Temperature and Precipitation Fields on the Wasatch Front, Water Resources Research, 29(12). 4157-4166.
Azimi, A., C.J. Duffy, 1993, Modeling transport of subsurface salinity from a Mancos shale hillslope, Ground Water, 31(6), 972-981.
Jin, M. and C. J. Duffy, 1994, Spectral and Bispectral Analysis for Single and Multiple Input Nonlinear Phreatic Aquifer Systems, Water Resources Research, 30(7), 2073-2095.
Duffy, C.J. 1996., A two-state internal balance model for soil moisture and groundwater dynamics in complex terrain, Water Resources Research, 32(8), 2421-2434.