James D. Baker
Structural Discipline
ALCOA Corporate Center
Building Statistics
Introduction of the overall structural system is described as the
The main aspects of the ALCOA Corporate Centers structural system comes in several parts, the first of which is the southern facing portion of the building. The southern portion of this office building is comprised of a 90 foot office area which was designed with and open aired pretense to allow easy contact and communication between staff and supervisory positions. This is done structurally by removing all interior columns in the main office area and placing large spanning girders in their place. The office section of the building is housed structurally by some eleven north-south running gridlines of long span girders (60-ft.) which have 15 foot cantilevered ends that carry full moment connections on the span side as well as the cantilevered ends. Each of these columns is offset in a sine wave fashion that defines the structures main shape. Grid lines BB, BC, CC & DD follow this curving pattern (refer to the typical floor plan on the next page). This allows a 60 foot open space within the office section of the building between the columns that extend upwards through the structure. The size of the member required to hold this capacity is a uniform ASTM A572 grade 50 size W36x245 wide flange girders. These main girders in the office section of the building are supporting a system of W18x35 grade 36 beams that are spaced at 8ft.-6in. on center with pin type shear connections. On the perimeter of this system of W36x245 girders and W18x35 beams are a line of W24x45 grade 36 beams which circumnavigate the buildings southern curving façade, as well as the buildings western and eastern edges. This construction is replicated from the first floor through the sixth.
The north side of the building consists of a supporting / facility area for the occupants of ALCOA Headquarters. This area is connected to the southern side of the building through an open atrium via a set of people bridges and escalator tracts. Supporting these bridges and the point loads of the escalators are common W24x55 with 1-in. thick web stiffeners at 1-ft. on center across the span of the escalators supporting frame. These W24x55’s connect to directly to the structural frame of the escalator across this span. Opposing the escalator and bridge system is the remainder of the north side of the building. This portion of the building contains the lateral wind resisting systems and houses an assortment of different sized beams and connection types due to the local loads. The range of beams in this section of the building is from W8x10 to W40x397. Reasoning for such a huge variation in size is due to the small span length covered by some of the beams, and others which carry column loads from above. In the northwest corner which is a gathering are in the building, the most common size is the W16x50. The mechanical room on the north side of the building is comprised of mainly W18x40’s. The northeastern quadrant of the building is mainly comprised of W21x44, and W16x31 sizes with several very large beams to support column loads that coming down from upper floors in the building. The column lines in the northern half of the building become linear and more regularly spaced, although they are in no real geometric grid.
James D. Baker
Structural Discipline
ALCOA Corporate Center
Building Statistics
Structural steel columns in the
The F’c required at 28 days is as follows: Foundations – 3000 psi,
Interior / Exterior Slabs – 4000 psi, Concrete Piers / Walls – 5000 psi
James D. Baker
Structural Discipline
ALCOA Corporate Center
Building Statistics
List of Codes and code requirements:
Building Officials & Code Administrators, Inc.
American Society of Civil Engineers
List of the Codes that I will be using during the Research and inquiry
of Analysis:
· IBC 2000
· International Code Council
Ø Section 1606 Dead Loads
Ø Section 1607 Live Loads
Ø Section 1608 Snow Loads
Ø Section 1609 Wind Loads
· PCI Design Handbook of the Precast Concrete Institute, latest editon
· ASCE 7-98 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
Ø Section 2.0 Combination of Loads
Ø Section 3.0 Dead Loads
Ø Section 4.0 Live Loads
Ø Section 4.7 Impact Loads
Ø Section 5.0 Soil and Hydrostatic Pressure and Flood Loads
Ø Section 5.2 Uplift on Floors and Foundations
Ø Section 6.0 Wind Loads
Ø Section 7.0 Snow Loads
Ø Section 9.0 Earthquake Loads
· AISC 1989, Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings
· ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Concrete Structures
American Concrete Institute
· ASD, 9th Edition, 1989 Manual of Steel Construction, vol. I & II
· LRFD, 2nd Edition, 1998 Manual of Steel Construction, vol. I & II
· Design Manual – Floor Decks and Roof Decks, Steel Deck Institute
James D. Baker
Structural Discipline
ALCOA Corporate Center
Building Statistics
Identification of Loads:
· Self Weight:
Structural Steel – 12.0 psf
Concrete (regular wt.) – 43.75 psf
· Dead Loads:
Raised Floor - 10 psf
Mechanical – 5 psf
Electrical – 5 psf
Finishes – 10 psf
Telecommunications – 2.5 psf
· Live Loads :
Lobbies & 1st Floor Corridor – 100psf
Corridors Above 1st Floor + Partition Walls – 80+20 = 100psf
· Roof Loads:
4 ½” Concrete Composite Slab – 34 psf
Miscellaneous – 15 psf (Mechanical & Window Washing)
Ø Ground Snow Loads:
Pf = 0.7(Ce)(Ct)(I)(Pg)
Pf = 0.7(1.0)(1.1)(0.8)(25 psf)
Pf = 15.4 psf. -therefore a snow load of 30 psf. was taken.
Ø Weight of Roof: Total = 49 psf
Composite Metal Deck = 34 psf
Miscellaneous = 15psf
Ø Weight of Floors: Total = 188.25 psf
Self = 55.75 psf
Dead = 32.5 psf
Live = 100 psf
James D. Baker
Structural Discipline
ALCOA Corporate Center
Building Statistics
Wind Load Calculations:
Wind loads were calculated using a spread sheet on Microsoft Excel. Some considerations taken for these calculations are the shape of the building and the various changing angles in which the wind would strike the surfaces of the curving facade. In the given architectural plans, a layout of the primary leeward and windward pressures were laid out in sections of the building. These sections were divided up into small subdivisions and layers due to their height and closeness to the edges of the building as well as the angles of incidence of which it is facing the wind. Due to this buildings shape and configuration, I took the building as being a rectangle shape, and will compare my results to those of the wind forces placed on the building in the given architectural plans.
In the buildings plans, it is noted that all of the connections in the lateral wind force resisting systems are designed as slip critical.
James D. Baker
Structural Discipline
ALCOA Corporate Center
Building Statistics
These wind loads come out to be quite off in comparison to the given architectural plans estimates. Notable is the leeward pressures, as they were not given as being constants. The following pressures and suctions were given in the plans:
Ø Typical Wall Zone +26 psf -26 psf
Ø Semi-corner +27 psf -41 psf
Ø Corner Area +31 psf -63 psf
Note that if the Basic
Wind Speed is given at 150 mph, such as along the coast lines, that the wind
pressures calculate to being fairly close to the architectural plans’
estimates. I have requested more information
concerning this, and will report it to you when I have been notified of what
considerations were taken into account for those estimates. Given below is the spreadsheet information
with a 150 mph basic wind speed. It is
noted that this building is in the Three Rivers valley along the
Seismic Load Calculations:
Seismic load calculations were done using a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet simply for comparison since the greater
James D. Baker
Structural Discipline
ALCOA Corporate Center
Building Statistics
Summation of forces on the floors is yielded in this spreadsheet as well as the story shears accumulated down through the story heights. In comparison to the wind forces that effect the building, the seismic forces are about 1/3rd that of the forces that the wind will place on the structure. A calculation of loads is given above with the note that seismic forces are that of self loads and dead loads. The overturning moments for the wind calculations in the E-W direction are 55,429 ft-kips, as the overturning moments for the seismic calculations in the E-W direction are 275 ft-kips. The overturning moments for the wind calculations in the N-S direction are 117,400 ft-kips, as the overturning moments for the seismic calculations in the N-S direction are 412 ft-kips. Base shear for wind calculations is 1754 & 826 (kips) for N/S & E/W respectively, as base shear for seismic calculations is 511 (kips) for both N/S & E/W directions.
Note on Seismic Calculations:
Since there is no seismic lateral force resisting system present in the building, the lateral force resisting system is designed to account for wind forces alone. All bolted connections in the lateral force resisting system are to be designed as limited slip connections with slotted holes on the bolt connections.
Other Special Loadings as Appropriate at this Stage:
will be taken when diagnosing the foundations system in detail for the uplift
forces that may occur during flood conditions along side the
Description of Framing System:
Framing systems:
ü Structural system
ü Concrete parking levels
ü Moment connections
ü Splicing between columns
This page was last updated on Thursday, August 22, 2002.
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