ABET Outcome Survey
AE481/482 Course Reflection
The AE Senior Thesis Project is one of the biggest challenges and the most rewarding experiences of my entire college career. This was one of the most educational experiences I have had, even surpassing some of my internship experiences. This project broadens horizons to help understand the challenges that a designer faces in the industry, as well as the resources that can be utilized to solve face these challenges. This experience takes all the knowledge gained from the last five years, and demonstrates how this knowledge is inter-related and can be used to create a better building. This experience was to me, the most beneficial and educational part of my college career and will make me a better, more integrated engineer when I enter the field.
CPEP Website & Discussion Board Narrative
The CPEP Website and Discussion Board are an integral part of the AE Senior Thesis Experience. The CPEP Website is a great way to present our final thesis project to potential employers and other industry professionals. The Discussion Board is a great way to interact with industry professionals to gather opinions, recommendations, and advice. This aids in the completion of the thesis reports and promote professionalism and realism in the projects and the outcomes. Without the participants of the discussion board, I feel that the AE Thesis Projects would not be as true to life, comprehensive, or educational as they are in this current state.