Due to privacy issues for all members of the Unknown Hospital Expansion Project, the Senior Thesis Presentation will not be posted to the CPEP website. If you would like to view this presentation, please contact Ryan Klincki for a copy. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please visit the walkthrough webpage to watch a Vitaul tour of a wing on the 3rd floor of the hospital made up of patient rooms & nurse stations.
Click Here for the Video Walkthrough Page...
Please visit the VRML Walkthrough webpage where you can take a virtual tour of a wing on the 3rd floor of the hospital made up of patient rooms and nurse stations. Here you can control where you want to go in this virtual world. A VRML plugin such as Cortona 3D Player, must be installed on your web browser in order to access this virtual model. A free download of the Cortona 3D Player can be found here: http://www.cortona3d.com/cortona
Click Here for the VRML Virtual Hospital Wing Page...
Please visit the references page to find the sources used for the Unknown Hospital Expansion Thesis Project
Click Here for the References Page...