The Final Report contains information pertaining to the analyses that were conducted.
Dedicated Outdoor Air System- A Dedicated OA System is coupled with three different configurations to determine which will reduce the loads served by the mechanical plants. The three configurations are: (1) Active Chilled Beams throughout office space, (2) DOAS Fan Powered Terminal Units throughout office space, and (3) DOAS FPTs on perimeter office spaces with ACBs in core office spaces.
Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump Plant- A study of a Hybrid GSHP Plant was performed to determine its potential in terms of first cost, lifecycle cost, and other important criteria.
Central Plant- A study was performed on a Central Plant with chillers and boilers to determine its potential in terms of first cost, lifecycle cost, and other important criteria.
Both mechanical plant options, Hybrid GSHP Plant and Central Plant, were combined with the three different DOAS configurations.
An Architectural Study was done for a redesign of the facades. The goal of the study was to have each facade be responsive to its orientation. With the facade redesign, the loads on the systems will be reduced. A Daylighting Study was done for the south facing offices. The goal of the study was to reduce the usage of electrical lighting with the use of light shelves and dimmer controls.