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Welcome to the home page of the Water Resources Group in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University.  These pages will introduce you to the faculty and students of the WRE group and to our research and teaching activities.  Thank you for stopping by!

hat is WRE?  Water resources is an important sub-discipline of civil engineering that includes hydraulic engineering, surface water and groundwater hydrology, water resources systems analysis,contaminant transport and environmental fluid mechanics.  Common to all of these areas of study is the goal of understanding the physical processes responsible for the distribution of water in natural and engineered environments.  The main motivation is that, in a world of ever-increasing population and industrialization, our relationships with the water environment surrounding us are of increasing significance.

Our graduates go on to exciting and successful careers working for universities, consulting firms, local, state, and federal governmental agencies, and national research laboratories.  Contact us to learn more about WRE and where it can take you.