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Methodology to Predict Movement and Stresses in Integral Abutment Bridges

Project Title: 1. Methodology to Predict Movement and Stresses in Integral Abutment Bridges
2. Level of Analysis Prediction of Integral Abutment Bridge Behavior
Investigator: Dr. Jeffrey Laman
Research Assistants: WooSeok Kim, Kongsak Pugasap
Funding Agency: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Project Duration: 1. October 2000 - March 2003 (Phase I)
2. April 2003 - December 2006 (Phase II)
3. June 2005 - June 2006 (Phase III)


Pugasap, Leighty, Laman, "Hysteresis Phenomenon in Integral Abutment Bridge," 2004 Annual Pennsylvania Transportation Institute Conference, University Park, PA, 14 pages.

Fennema, Laman, Linzell, "Predicted and Measured Response of Integral Abutment Bridges," ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2005, pp 666-677.

Fennema, Jolene, Prediction and Measured Response of Integral Abutment Bridges, Master of Science Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, 2003.

Paul, Michael D., Thermally Induced Superstructure Stress in Prestressed Girder Integral Abutment Bridges, Master of Science Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, 2003.

Paul, Laman, Linzell, "Thermally Induced Superstructure Stresses in Prestressed Girder Integral Abutment Bridges," 6th International Bridge Engineering Conference, Journal of The Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., July 2005.

A research project is being performed that investigates the behavior of integral abutment bridges through numerical modeling and field testing. This project will investigate various integral abutment bridge analysis methods through comparison of numerical results to data recorded from controlled testing of 4 in-service structures.

The study of integral abutment bridges is being completed in association with the I-99 Advanced Technology Test Bed initiative. The effects of design, fabrication, and construction on the load distribution in an integral abutment bridge system are areas in which further study and understanding are required. The construction of integral abutment bridges in the I-99 Corridor provides a unique opportunity to investigate the behavior of these bridges during their construction and throughout their service lives.

Field monitoring will consist of placing 40 to 50 instruments on each integral abutment bridge. Instruments used for field monitoring include vibrating wire strain gages, vibrating wire tiltmeters, borehole vibrating wire extensometers, and vibrating wire pressure cells. Samples will be taken every six hours for three to five years to capture seasonal changes and every fifteen minutes for two-week periods every year to capture diurnal changes.

I-99 Integral Abutment Bridges Selected for Study

Struct. No.
Girder Type

of Spans

Spans (ft)
Total Length (ft)
RSR 6220 Over:
Design Section
109 P/S I 0 4 85-112-112-85 394 Blue Spring Hollow Stream C10
203 P/S I 0 3 47-88-37 172 Route 322 C11
211 P/S I 0 1 114 114 Zendt Lane C11
222 P/S I 0 1 62 62 Wildlife C11


Location of I-99 Corridor

Location of Structures
203, 211, 222

Location of Structure 109
click thumbnails for larger image



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