Problem 1


Figures 1 and 2 below are close-up photographs of a waist-high wall bordering the elevated walkway surrounding the Forum Building on the University Park Campus of the Pennsylvania State University. The pocket knife in the pictures is about 2-3/4 inches long. The wall is exposed to all the weather elements normal for the Mid-Atlantic region of the country.

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Figure 3 and 4 below show the results a few months after an attempted repair job to prolong the life of the corroding wall. 

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A benefactor of the university has provided the funds to repair or replace the unsightly wall. The university has requested your help to (1) determine what the problem is and (2) recommend the appropriate action to be taken.

Based on your knowledge of concrete durability problems, which type of chemical attack occurred to wall? Why?

What course of action do you recommend be taken in remedying the problem and making proper use of the donated money?

Your action :