Department of

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dr. Eric T. Donnell
Assistant Professor


Eric Donnell  

Penn State University
231N Sackett Building
University Park, PA 16802

(814) 863-7053 (phone)
(814) 863-7304 (fax)

    Research | Courses | Vitae

Primary Research Interests
Highway and street design
Operational effects of geometrics
Highway safety
Roadside safety and design

Courses Taught at Penn State University
C E 221W: Transportation Systems Engineering
C E 321: Highway Engineering
C E 421W: Highway Design
C E 423: Traffic Operations
C E 526, Highway and Street Design


2003 Ph.D., Civil Engineering Minor: Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University
1998 M.Eng.,Civil Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
1996 B.S., Civil Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
The Pennsylvania State University (2004 - present)
Associate Engineer, BMI-SG (Bellomo-McGee, Inc. (2003 - present)
Teaching Assistant, Pennsylvania Transportation Institute,
The Pennsylvania State University (1997 - 2003)
Cooperative Education Work Study Program, The Pennsylvania State University (1994 - 1995)
Research Assistant, The Last Resource, Inc., Bellefonte, PA (1996 - 1997)

Professional Registrations
Professional Engineer, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, License No. PE060273

Professional Memberships
Member, TRB Committee on Operational Effects of Geometric Design
Member, TRB Committee on Geometric Design
Paper Reviewer, TRB Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee
Paper Reviewer, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering
Eno Transportation Foundation Leadership Fellow, May 2002

Honors and Awards

Recent Publications

Refereed Journal Publications
Pietrucha, M. T., E. T. Donnell, P. Lertworawanich, and L. Elefteriadou. A Study on the Effects of Traffic Volume, Traffic Speed, Mounting Height, and Lateral Offset on the Visibility of On-Premise Commercial Signs. Manuscript submitted for publication and presentation consideration to the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, TRB, Washington, DC.

Donnell, E. T. and W. E. Hughes. State Transportation Agency Median Design and Safety Practices: Results from a Survey. Manuscript submitted for publication and presentation consideration to the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, TRB, Washington, DC.

Donnell, E. T. and J. M. Mason. Methodology to Develop Median Barrier Crash Warrant Criteria. Manuscript submitted for publication consideration to the Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers.

Donnell, E. T. and J. M. Mason. Predicting the Frequency of Median Barrier Crashes on Pennsylvania Interstates. Manuscript submitted for publication consideration to Accident Analysis and Prevention, Pergamon Press.

J. M. Mason, K. M. Mahoney, and E. T. Donnell. Design Exception Practices. Manuscript in preparation for submission to the ITE Journal, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, DC.

Donnell, E. T. and J. M. Mason. Predicting the Severity of Median-related Crashes in Pennsylvania using Logistic Regression. Accepted for publication by the Transportation Research Board for inclusion in Transportation Research Record (publication forthcoming).

Porter, R. J., Donnell, E. T., and K. M. Mahoney. Evaluation of Centerline Rumble Strips Effects on Lateral Placement and Speed. Accepted for publication by the Transportation Research Board for inclusion in Transportation Research Record (publication forthcoming).

Donnell, E. T., D. W. Harwood, K. M. Bauer, J. M. Mason, and M. T. Pietrucha. Cross-median Collisions on Pennsylvania Interstates and Expressways. In Transportation Research Record 1784, National Research Council, TRB, Washington, D. C., 2002.

Donnell, E. T., Y. Ni, M. Adolini, and L. Elefteriadou. Speed Prediction Models for Trucks on Two-Lane Rural Highways. In Transportation Research Record 1751, National Research Council, TRB, Washington, D. C., 2001.

Donnell, E. T., M. L. Patten, and J. M. Mason. Evaluating a Roadside Assistance Program: The Penn-Lincoln Parkway Service Patrol. In Transportation Research Record 1683, National Research Council, TRB, Washington, D.C., 1999.

Publications Refereed by Abstract
Donnell, E. T., J. M. Mason, and W. E. Hughes. Median Design Consideration Based on Crash and Cost Analyses. Third International Symposium on Geometric Design, Chicago, IL, 2005 (accepted for publication).

Donnell, E. T., K. M. Mahoney, and J. M. Mason. Design Exceptions and Context-Sensitive Design. Proceedings of the ITE 2003 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Seattle, WA, August 2003 (CD-ROM).

Donnell, E. T., K. M. Mahoney, and J. M. Mason. Relationship between Design Speed, Operating Speed, and Posted Speed Limits. Proceedings of the ITE 2002 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Philadelphia, PA, August 2002 (CD-ROM).

Mahoney, K. M., E. T. Donnell, and J. M. Mason. Context-Sensitive Design: A Challenge for Engineers. Proceedings of the ITE 2002 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Philadelphia, PA, August 2002 (CD-ROM).

Mason, J. M., K. M. Mahoney, and E. T. Donnell. Design Exception Considerations for Context-Sensitive Design. Proceedings of the Symposium and Workshop on Visualization in Transportation, Salt Lake City, UT, April 2002 (CD-ROM).

Donnell, E. T., M. A. Adolini, D. J. Torbic, J. M. Mason, and L. Elefteriadou. Truck Safety Considerations for Geometric Design and Traffic Operations. Proceedings of the ITE 2001 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Chicago, IL, August 2001 (CD-ROM).

Donnell, E. T., D. W. Harwood, K. Bauer, and J. M. Mason. Analysis of Highway Median Safety in Pennsylvania. Proceedings of the 17th Annual ITE Spring Meeting, Monterey, CA, March 2001 (CD-ROM).

Donnell, E. T. Median Barrier Warrants. Presented at the mid-year meeting of the TRB Committee on Roadside Safety Design, Overland Park, KS, July 2004.

Donnell, E. T. and J. M. Mason. Predicting the Frequency of Median Barrier Crashes on Pennsylvania Interstates. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, TRB, Washington, D. C., 2004 (presentation by E. Donnell).

Donnell, E. T. and J. M. Mason. Predicting the Severity of Median-related Crashes in Pennsylvania using Logistic Regression. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, TRB, Washington, D. C., 2004 (poster session).

Porter, R. J., Donnell, E. T., and K. M. Mahoney. Evaluation of Centerline Rumble Strips Effects on Lateral Placement and Speed. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, TRB, Washington, D. C., 2004 (presentation by R. Porter).

Donnell, E. T. A New Methodology to Evaluate the Need for Median Barrier In Pennsylvania. Proceedings of the 2003 Pennsylvania Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference, State College, PA, December 2003.

Donnell, E. T. Highway Safety Research. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Valley Forge, PA, September 2003.

Donnell, E. T., K. M. Mahoney, and J. M. Mason. Survey of Features Associated with the Preparation of Design Exceptions. Proceedings of the ITE 2003 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Seattle, WA, August 2003 (presentation by J. M. Mason).

Donnell, E. T., K. M. Mahoney, and J. M. Mason. Relationship between Design Speed, Operating Speed, and Posted Speed Limits. Proceedings of the ITE 2002 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Philadelphia, PA, August 2002 (presentation by E. T. Donnell).

Mahoney, K. M., E. T. Donnell, and J. M. Mason. Context-Sensitive Design: A Challenge for Engineers. Proceedings of the ITE 2002 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Philadelphia, PA, August 2002 (presentation by K. M. Mahoney).

Mason, J. M., K. M. Mahoney, and E. T. Donnell. Design Exception Considerations for Context-Sensitive Design. Proceedings of the Symposium and Workshop on Visualization in Transportation, Salt Lake City, UT, April 2002 (presentation by J. M. Mason).

Donnell, E. T., D. W. Harwood, K. M. Bauer, J. M. Mason, and M. T. Pietrucha. Cross-median Collisions on Pennsylvania Interstates and Expressways. 81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, TRB, Washington, D. C., 2002 (poster session).

Donnell, E. T., M. A. Adolini, D. J. Torbic, J. M. Mason, and L. Elefteriadou. Truck Safety Considerations for Geometric Design and Traffic Operations. Proceedings of the ITE 2001 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Chicago, IL, August 2001 (presented by J. M. Mason).

Donnell, E. T., D. W. Harwood, K. Bauer, and J. M. Mason. Analysis of Highway Median Safety in Pennsylvania. Presentation at the 17th Annual ITE Spring Meeting, Monterey, CA, March 2001 (presented by E. T. Donnell).

Donnell, E. T., Y. Ni, M. Adolini, and L. Elefteriadou. Speed Prediction Models for Trucks on Two-Lane Rural Highways. Presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., 2001 (presented by E. T. Donnell).

Donnell, E. T. and J. M. Mason. Assessment of Median Safety in Pennsylvania. Presentation at TRB A2A04 Summer Committee Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, August 2000 (presented by E. T. Donnell).

Donnell, E. T., M. L. Patten, and J. M. Mason. Evaluating a Roadside Assistance Program: The Penn-Lincoln Parkway Service Patrol. Presentation at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., 1999 (presented by E. T. Donnell).

Anderson, J. A., E. T. Donnell, and L. Elefteriadou. Assessing and Targeting Transportation Training and Education Needs. Presentation at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Board, Washington, D. C., 1999 (presented by E. T. Donnell and J. A. Anderson).

Donnell, E. T. EIT Review Session: Transportation Engineering. Given annually (1998 – 2002) to undergraduate students in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State University.

Donnell, E. T. and W. E. Hughes. Improved Guidelines for Median Safety. NCHRP Project 17-14, Draft Final Report, July 2004.

Mahoney, K. M., R. J. Porter, E. T. Donnell, D. Lee, and M. T. Pietrucha. Evaluation of Centerline Rumble Strips on Lateral Vehicle Placement and Speed on Two-Lane Rural Highways. University-Based Research, Education and Technology Transfer Program, Agreement No. 359704, Work Order 111. PTI Report No. FHWA-PA-2002-034-97-04(111), March 2003.

Kilareski, W. P., M. T. Pietrucha, B. St. John, R. Watts, and E. T. Donnell. Traffic Engineering Studies: Knowledge Module 7. PENNDOT/MAUTC Partnership, Work Order 6, Report No. PTI 2002-38, July 2002.

Kilareski, W. P., M. T. Pietrucha, B. St. John, J. W. Stimmel, and E. T. Donnell. Crash Analysis and Mitigation: Knowledge Module 8. PENNDOT/MAUTC Partnership, Work Order 6, Report No. PTI 2002-30, March 2002.

Mason, J. M., E. T. Donnell, D. W. Harwood, K. M. Bauer, J. M. Sada, and M. T. Pietrucha. Median Safety Study (Interstates and Expressways). PTI Report No. FHWA-PA-2001-009-97-04, Work Order 53, June 2001.

Patten, M. L. and E. Donnell. Key Issues in ITS/CVO Implementation: A Resource Document for Use by Pennsylvania’s ITS/CVO Business Planning Work Group. Prepared for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Februrary 1998, 82 pp.

Donnell, E. T., M. L. Patten, and J. M. Mason. Evaluation of the Penn-Lincoln Parkway Service Patrol. PennDOT/Transportation Operations Partnership, Agreement No. 359528, October 1998.

Elefteriadou, L., D. Torbic, and E. Donnell. Congestion Management Statewide Strategic Plan: A Resource Document for Use by Pennsylvania’s Congestion Management Plan Work Group. Prepared for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, October 1998, 64 pp.

Donnell, E. T., M. L. Patten, A. Zineddin, and K. G. Goulias. Making ITS/CVO Happen: Pennsylvania’s ITS/CVO Business Plan, University-Based Research, Education, and Technology Transfer Program, Agreement No. 359704, Work Order 5, December 31, 1998.

Patten, M. L., S. Koza, E. Donnell, and E. Waltman. Key Issues in ITS Implementation: A Resource Document for Use by the Work Group to Update Pennsylvania’s ITS Strategic Plan. Prepared for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, April 1999, 167 pp.