Dr. Bohumil Kasal
Bernard and Henrietta Hankin Chair of Residential Building Construction
![]() |
Penn State University (814) 863-9788 (phone) |
Research | Courses | Vitae |
For a complete CV , visit http://myprofile.cos.com/kasalb
Primary Research Interests
Design of wood structures, assessment of historic wood structures
and analytical modeling of wood buildings, residential structures.
Specific Research Topics
Analytical modeling and testing of wood structures subjected to natural
hazard loads, modeling of nonlinear, nonconservative behavior, historic
buildings, composite hybrid structures (fiber composites-wood-high-performance
concrete), application of supercomputers in analysis of hysteretic
systems, in-situ evaluations of wood structures.
Courses Taught at Penn State
A E 470, Residential Building Design and Construction
C E 524, Building Enclosure Science and Design
C E 597, Design of Wood Structures
Professional Service
Chair, RILEM TC "In-situ evaluation of wood structures",
Journal of Materials and Structures, Editorial Advisory Committee
member, 2005 - 2008
Wood Engineering Achievement Award, Committee Chair, 2005 - 2006
German-US Fulbright Selection Committee, Bonn, Germany, 2001
US Congress Wind Hazard Reduction Caucus member, 2000 - present
NC State Governor's Committee for wind loads on residential construction,
1999 - 2005
Forest Products Society, Division of Engineering, Chairman, 1995
- 1996
Forest Products Society, Division of Engineering, Vice-Chairman,
1994 - 1995
Forest Products Society, Historic Preservation, Chairman, 1994 -
Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster inspector
1992 Ph.D., Wood Engineering and Mechanics/Applied Mathematics
(minor), Oregon State University
1993 M.S., Civil Engineering, Oregon State University
1990 M.S., Wood Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
1980 Dipl.-Ing. (PE), Wood Technology/Mechanical Engineering (minor),
University of Zvolen ( Summa Cum Laude)
Professor, Penn State University, 2005 - present
Visiting Professor, Technical University of Dresden, Engineering,
Civil Engineering, 2001 - 2002
Professor, North Carolina State University, 2003 - 2005
Associate Professor, North Carolina State University, 1996 - 2003
R&D Engineer, Alpine Engineered Products, Inc., 1992
Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University, 1992 - 1996
Faculty Research Assistant, Oregon State University, 1989 - 1991
Graduate Research Assistant, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, 1987 - 1989
Research Engineer, State Laboratory, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia,
1980 - 1987
Professional Registrations
Registered Engineer
Professional Memberships
American Academy of Mechanics
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Translators Association
Forest Products Society
Fulbright Association
Institution of Civil Engineers
International Code Council
RILEM, Technical Committee Chair
Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics
Society for Experimental Mechanics
Society of Wood Science and Technology
Structural Engineering Institute of the ASCE
Honors and Awards
Honorary Research Associate, School of Graduate Studies, College
of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick
(2004 - 2008)
Faculty Research and Professional Development Award, North Carolina
State University, Composite Structures (2002 - 2003)
Senator North Carolina State University Faculty Senate (2002 - 2005)
Senior Fulbright Fellow, Fulbright Foundation, Technical University
of Dresden, Germany, Civil Engineering (2001 - 2002)
Award for Excellence in Truss Research, Truss Plate Institute, Analysis
and design of wood trusses (1995 - 1995)
Cray Research Fellowship, Cray Research, Inc., Cray Research, Inc.,
Computational Mechanics (1995 - 1996)
Cray Research Fellowship, Cray Research, Inc., Cray Research, Inc.,
Computational Mechanics (1994 - 1995)
Faculty Research and Professional Development Award, North Carolina
State University, Wood Mechanics (1993 - 1993)
Wood Award, Forest Products Society, Forest Products Society, Graduate
Research Paper (1991 - 1991)
A. W. Moltke Fellowship, Oregon State University, 1990, Graduate
Research (1990 - 1991)
Recent Publications
Heiduschke, A., B. Kasal, and P. Haller. 2006. Analysis of wood-composite
laminated frames under dynamic loads – analytical models and
model validation. Part II: frame model. Progress in Structural Engineering
and Materials. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. London. UK. Vol. 8. No 3.
Heiduschke, A., B. Kasal, and P. Haller. 2006. Analysis of wood-composite laminated frames under dynamic loads – analytical models and model validation. Part I: connection model. Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. London. UK. Vol. 8 No 3. 103-110.
Heiduschke, A., P. Haller, and B. Kasal. 2006. Verbundsystem aus Stahlfaserbeton und Holz [in German]. In Proceedings from Forschungskolloquium Forschung + Praxis 2006. Institut für Konstruktion und Entwurf. University of Stuttgart. Stuttgart. Germany. February 23-34, 2006.
Collins, M., B. Kasal, P. J. Paevere, and G. C. Foliente,Three-dimensional Model of Light-frame Wood Buildings. II: Experimental Investigation and Validation of Analytical Model. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. New York: ASCE. 131(4):984-692. 2005.
Collins, M., B. Kasal, P. J. Paevere, and G. C. Foliente,Three-dimensional Model of Light-frame Wood Buildings. I: Model Formulation. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. New York: ASCE. 131(4):676-683. 2005.
Drdacky, M., B. Kasal, and S. Pospisil,Timber Frames for High Seismicity Zones (in Czech). Inzenyrska Komora. Special Publication of the Board of Registered Engineers of the Czech Republic. Prague: Board of Registered Engineers of the Czech Republic. 53-58. 2005.
Kasal, B, and R.J. Leichti, State of the Art in Multiaxial Phenomenological Failure Criteria for Wood Members. Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials. London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.. 6(1):3-13. 2005.
Kasal, B., Michael Collins, Phillip J. Paevere, Greg C. Foliente, Design models of light-frame wood buildings under lateral loads. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 130(8):1263-1271. 2004.
Heiduschke, A., P. Haller, and B. Kasal, Zum Tragverhalten textilbewehrt-verdichteter Holz-Rahmenecken unter zyklischer Beanspruchung. Bautechnik. 81(8):658-662. 2004.
Kasal, B., A. Heiduschke, J. Kadla, and P. Haller, Laminated timber frames with composite fibre-reinforced connections. Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials. 6(2):84-93. 2004.
Kasal B. and R. W. Anthony, Advances in in-situ evaluation of timber structures. Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials. 6(2):94-103. 2004.
Kasal B., I. Pospisil, I. Jirovsky, M. Drdacky, A. Heiduschke, P. Haller, Seismic performance of laminated timber frames with fiber reinforced joints. Earthquake Engineering and Dynamics. 33(5):633-646. 2004.