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A lumped parsimonious (parameter efficient) rainfall-runoff modeling framework has been developed in Matlab. It is a generic framework that contains a library of often used approaches that the user can utilize to build models appropriate for data availability, modeling purpose and watershed characteristics.

[download link] [paper]


Another Matlab tool combines a large number of sensitivity and uncertainty analysis tools. It can be used (off-line) to analyze the results from any Monte Carlo sampling or population evolution study. Examples of approaches are Regional Sensitivity Analysis, GLUE dotty and prediction plots, Dynamic Identifiability Analysis (DYNIA) and multi-objective plots.

[download link] [paper]


The SAHRA Hydroarchive software exchange site was developed to allow the creators of hydrologic software to share their work with the general public. It offers researchers, practitioners and students the opportunity to give a larger audience access to their products in a more structured manner and, at the same time, allows them to benefit from the achievements of others. Use of individual software is allowed with acknowledgement, and depending on the individual terms of use. We hope that this initiative will lead to a greater interaction between researchers, practitioners and students within the hydrological community. Click on the icon below to enter the site.

[access link] [paper]