Environmental Chemistry at Interfaces

The Research Group led by Christopher Gorski in Environmental Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University.

Why Interfaces?

It turns out that interfaces are interesting. Many of the basic chemistry concepts we often learn break down at interfaces, where two phases contact one another. In many cases, we still don’t know why. It also turns out that interfaces play critical roles in environmental systems. Interfaces exist when minerals come in contact with water, when water contacts selective membranes, and when electrodes drive electrochemical reactions at the solid-water interface.

Our research group studies interfaces with a broader focus on improving the critical thinking and analytical abilities of students and scholars by promoting deep, critical thought. To achieve this, we maintain a small, select group to enable regular, in-depth meetings. Additionally, students are provided opportunities to showcase their work at both national and international conferences. Researchers from this group primarily go on to pursue academic careers.

Specific projects were are currently working on include:

  • Electrochemical water desalination and selective element recovery
  • Olivine carbonation for in-situ carbon dioxide sequestration
  • Relationships between mineral redox properties to their reactivities
  • The roles ChatGPT plays and will play in research

Principal Investigator

Christopher Gorski is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and an affiliate of the Institute of Energy and the Environment (IEE) and the Materials Research Institute (MRI). His research CV is available here. A complete list of the group's publications is also avaiable on Google Scholar. If you are interested in joining our group or collaborating, please email Dr. Gorski.

Current Funding
  • Thermodynamics and Redox Reactivity of Birnessite. National Science Foundation: Environmental Chemistry. $425,346. PI: Gorski, Co-PI: Peter Heaney.
  • Integrated electrode-membrane assemblies for energy efficient MCDI across the salinity spectrum. Office of Naval Research. $570,000. PI: Gorski.
  • CAREER: Battery-inspired electrodes for efficiently desalinating water or harvesting salinity gradient energy. National Science Foundation: Environmental Engineering. $500,000. PI: Gorski.
  • Electrochemical Oxygen Production by Deep-Sea Nodules. Penn State Institute of Energy and the Environment. $15,000. PI: Gorski. Co-PI: Peter Heaney.
  • Membrane-based lithium recovery. Penn State Institute of Energy and the Environment. $40,000. PI: Enrique Gomez, Co-PIs: Gorski, Hall, Elacqua.
  • Constraining Olivine Carbonation Rates in Igneous Mafic Formations. Penn State Institute of Energy and the Environment. $30,000. PI: Matthew Fantle, Co-PI: Gorski.

Research Group

Christopher Gorski, Principal Investigator

Christopher Gorski has been at Penn State since 2012. Before that, he was a post-doc at Eawag in Switzerland (2010 - 2012) and a PhD student at the University of Iowa (2005 -2009).

Vineeth Pothanamkandathil, PhD Candidate in Environmental Engineering

Vineeth joined the group in the Fall of 2018. He is working on intercalation materials used for desalination and selective ion separations.

Timothy Hudak Jr., PhD Student in Chemical Engineering

Tim is PhD student in Chemical Engineering, and he began his PhD in Fall 2022. He is currently studying electrochemical desalination technologies.

Mahmudul Hasan, PhD Student in Chemical Engineering

Mahmudul is PhD student in Chemical Engineering. He is currently studying the fabrication and use of patterned ion exchange membranes for improving the energy efficiency of electrochemical desalination technologies.

Anthony Poompa, PhD Student in Chemistry

Anthony is a PhD student in Chemistry, and he is co-advised with Matthew Fantle in Geosciences. Anthony began his PhD in Fall 2022. He is currently studying the carbonation of igneous rocks for in-situ carbon sequestration.

Paolo Benavides , Post-doc in Environmental Engineering

Paolo Benavides will be joined the group as a post-doc in January 2024 to study the redox properties of Mn oxides! He is co-advised by Peter Heaney in the Department of Geosciences.        


Dr. Christopher Gorski
Pennsylvania State University
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
286 ECoRE Building; 556 White Course Dr.
University Park, PA 16802

Email: gorski@psu.edu
Phone: 814.865.5673

Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Graduate Admissions Details