This forms the second table associated with storing
information regarding the process plans associated with any product.
A critical decision regarding database design, however, needs to be
made at this level. The design proposed in this report stores all required
information at the workstation and equipment levels in the same table.
The alternative solution being separating the information into the workstation
and equipment levels. Therefore, in the second design, each task mentioned
in the workstation level will be exploded into its constituent tasks
in the equipment level table.
In the first approach, the advantage offered by the
design include the ability to verify the existence of the required NC
program files at a particular equipment where the part needs to be sent,
before actually sending the part to that equipment. This validation
would prove to be useful when analyzing and controlling the system optimally,
and employing alternate process plans. The disadvantage of this approach
is that searching the table during simulation would require more comparisons
of fields and records to sort through before any execution of a message.
For example, in a particular process plan for a product, let us assume
that at a particular stage, the product needs to have three operations
in a piece of equipment in consecutive order. The database would contain
three records to store this information, each of the records having
exactly the same values for the product and process plan identifiers,
workstation, and equipment identifiers. The difference would be in the
task numbers and possibly the NC programs required for that operation.
In the second approach, the splitting of the database
would potentially enable the equipment level controllers to be more
responsible in obtaining the necessary information for executing the
required operations. This, however, would duplicate some information
regarding the product and process plan identifiers. The advantage being
that the simulation would now require to access ‘smaller-sized’
tables for executing each SQL query. Data management, storage and debugging
could be facilitated using this approach. However, the architecture
of the Big_E may have to be altered to reflect a ‘three-tiered’