The ShopFloor_PP table provides the first
level of abstraction for the process plan. It can be visualized as containing
information regarding an operating route summary, which details the
workstations each product needs to go and the order in which they need
to visit them.
It needs to be kept in mind that each product can
have multiple process plans associated with it. These multiple process
plans are identified by a combination of the Product_ID
and ProcessPlan_ID fields, which act as a combined primary
key. Each task associated with a particular process plan will be defined
only in terms of the workstation used for that particular task. The
further explosion of activities from the workstation level
is contained in a separate table.
The linearized process plans have been stored in two
separate tables. The first one contains information at the shop floor
level, only defining the tasks in terms of the order in which the part
needs to visit the different workstations. The second table contains
information regarding the specific tasks associated with the product
at each of the material processor, material handler, and material transporter,
at each of the workstation during each visit.