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to Computer Integrated Manufacturing Unit in FAME
PublicationsManufacturing Processes: Integrated Product and Process Design, with P. Cohen, B. Niebel, and T. Simpson, McGraw-Hill, New York, (in publication). An Introduction to Automated Process Planning Systems, R.A. Wysk and T.C. Chang, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985. Modern Manufacturing Process Engineering, R.A. Wysk, B. Niebel and A.B. Draper, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1989. Computer Aided Manufacturing, 2nd Edition T.C. Chang, R.A. Wysk and H.P. Wang, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1998. PROCESS PLANNING AND RELATED AREASZhou, Chen and Wysk, R.A., "An Integrated System for Selecting Optimum Cutting Speeds and Tool Replacement Times", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing, Vol. 32, No. 5, September 1992. Zhou, Chen and Wysk, R.A., "Tool Status Recording and a Probabilistic Optimization Model", Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 114, No.4, pp. 494-499, November 1992. Joshi, S., Hoberecht, W.C., Lee, J., Wysk, R.A. and Barrick, D.C., ``Design, Development and Implementation of an Integrated Group Technology and Computer Aided Process Planning System,'' IIE Transactions , Vol. 26, No.4, pp. 2-18, 1994. Wysk, R. A., Peters, B.A. and Smith, J.S., "A Formal Process Planning Schema for Shop Floor Control", Engineering Design and Automation, Vol. 1, No.1, pp 3-20, Spring 1995. Hale, Trevor, Wysk, R. A. and Smith, D. R., A Gross Aggregation Technique for the p-median Location Problem, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol. 6, No.2, June 2000, pp 129-135. Pan, R., Wysk, R. A. and Chandra, M. J., A Statistical Approach to Process Planning, Journal of Design and Manufacturing Automation, Vol. 1, No.1, 2001.
MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS PLANNING AND CONTROLLinn, R. and Wysk, R.A., "An Expert System Based Controller for AS/RS", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp 176-191, 1990. Linn, R. and Wysk, R.A., "An Expert System Framework for AS/RS Control", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp 37-45, 1990. Wu, S.D. and Wysk, R.A., "An Inference Structure for the Control and Scheduling of Manufacturing Systems", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1990. Zhou, C., Chandra, J. and Wysk, R., "Optimal Cutting Tool Replacement Model Based on Tool Wear Status", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 28, No. 7, pp 1357-1368, 1990. Rubinovitz, J. and Wysk, R.A., "Task Planning and Optimization for Robotic Arc Welding - An Algorithmic Approach", SME Transactions on Robotics Research, 1990. Wysk, R.A., Joshi, S., and Yang, N.S., "Deadlock Detection in Flexible Manufacturing Cells", IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp 854-859, 1991. Joshi, S., Mettala, E., and Wysk, R.A., "CIMGEN - A Computer Aided Software Engineering Tool for Development of FMS Control Software", IIE Transactions, Vol. 24, No. 3, July 1992. Cho, H. and Wysk, R.A., "A Robust Adaptive Scheduler for an Intelligent Workstation Controller", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 771-789, 1993. Cho, H., Derebail, A., Hale, T., and Wysk, R.A., "A Formal Approach to Integrating Computer-aided Process Planning and Shop Floor Control", ASME Transactions: Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 116, No. 1, pp. 108-116, 1994. Yannoulakis, N.J, Joshi, S. and Wysk, R. A., "Quantitative Measures for the Manufacturability for Rotational Parts, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol 116 ,pp 189-198, May 1994. Kumaran, T.K., Chang, W., Cho, H. and Wysk, R.A., "A Structured Approach to Deadlock Detection, Avoidance and Resolution in Flexible Manufacturing Systems", IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 32, No. 10, pp 2361-2379,1994. Wysk, R., Disney, R., Peters, B., Smith, J., Kumaran,T.K., Lee,S., Hur, S., and Edlabadkar, A., "MODELWORLD- An Open System for Manufacturing Systems Analysis," Industrial Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 7, July 1994, pp. 49-54. Wysk, R., Yang, N.S., Joshi, S.,"Resolution of Deadlocks in flexible Manufacturing Systems: Avoidance and Recovery Approaches," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol.13, No. 2, 1994, pp. 128-138. Joshi, S., Hoberecht, W.C., Lee, J., Wysk, R.A. and Barrick, D.C., ``Design, Development and Implementation of an Integrated Group Technology and Computer Aided Process Planning System',' IIE Transactions, Vol. 26, No.4, 1994, pp. 2-18. Joshi, S., J. Smith, R. Wysk, B. Peters, and C. Pegden, "Rapid-CIM: An Approach to Rapid Development of Control Software for FMS Control", 27th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, May, 1995. Cho, H., Kumaran, T.K., and Wysk, R.A., "A Graph-theoretic Deadlock Detection and Resolution for Flexible Manufacturing Systems", IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 11,No.3, June 1995, pp. 413-421. Prabhu, V. and N. Duffie "Distributed System-Level Vehicle Control for a High Performance Material Transfer System", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, June 1995, pp. 212-217. Wysk, R. A. and Smith, J. S., "A Formal Functional Characterization of Shop-floor Control" Computers and Industrial Engineering - Special Issue of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 28, No.3, July 1995, pp 631-643. Joshi, S., Mettala, E.G., Smith, J.S., and Wysk, R.A., ``Formal Models for Control of Flexible Manufacturing Cells: Physical and System Model,'' IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 11, No.4, Aug, 1995, pp. 558-570. Wysk, R. A., Peters, B.A. and Smith, J.S., "A Formal Process Planning Schema for Shop Floor Control", Engineering Design and Automation, Vol. 1, No.1, Spring 1995, pp 3-20. Su, Y., Wang, C., Cannon, D. , and Egbelu, P., "A Dynamic Point Specification Approach to Sequencing Robot Moves for Printed Circuit Board Assembly", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol 8, No.6, 1995, pp. 448-456. V. Prabhu and N. Duffie, "Heterarchical Control of Highly Distributed Manufacturing Systems", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol 9, No 4, 1996, pp. 270-281. McDonnell, P., G. Smith, P. Dewan, S. Joshi, and R. Wysk, " An Implementation of Simulation Based Shop Floor Control", 5th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May, 1996. V. Prabhu and N. Duffie "Performance of Real-Time Distributed Arrival Time Control in Heterarchical Manufacturing Systems", Proceedings of Fifth Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May 1996. Ramaswamy, S.E. and Joshi, S., ``Deadlock Free Schedules for Automated Manufacturing Workstations," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 12, No.3, June, 1996, pp. 391-400. Wang, C. and Cannon, D., "Virtual-reality-based Point-and-Direct
Robotic Inspection in Manufacturing", IEEE Transactions on Robotics
and Automation Journal, Vol. 12, No.4, August, 1996, pp. 516-531. Cho, H.and Wysk, R. A., "An Intelligent Workstation Controller for Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Problems and Models" Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Production Planning and Control , Vol. 8, No.6, September 1997, pp. 771-789. Cannon, D, and G. Thomas. 1997. Virtual Tools for Supervisory and Collaborative Control of Robots. Presence Journal, 6 (1): pp. 1-28. Kulvantunyou, B. and Wysk, R. A., A Functional Approach to Enterprise-Based Engineering Integration, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 19, No.3, 2000, pp 156 171. Son, Young-Jun and Wysk, R. A., A formal structure and implementation of a robotic material handling controller in an automated shop floor environment, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 38, No. 15, 2000, pp 3553-3572. Moreno-Lizaranzu, Manuel J., Wysk, R. A., Joonki Hong and Prabhu, V.V., A Hybrid Shop Floor Control System for Food Manufacturing, IIE Transactions Special Issue on Simulation Methods, Vol. 33, No.3, March 2001, pp. 193-202. Steele, Jay, Son, Young-Jun and Wysk, R. A., Resource Modeling for the Integration of the Manufacturing Enterprise, Journal of Manufacturing Systems , Vol. 19, No.6, 2001. Ferreira, J. C. E . and Wysk, R. A., An Investigation of the Influence of Alternative Process Plans on Equipment Control, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 19, No. 6, 2001. Papers accepted for publication Ferreira, J. C. E., Steele, J., Wysk, R. A., and Pasi, D. A., A Schema for Flexible Equipment Control in Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (in press). Lee, S. and Wysk, R. A., "Formal Model for Process Planning", International Journal of Production Research, (in press). Son, Young-Jun and Wysk, R. A., Automatic Simulation Model Generation for Simulation-based Real-time Shop-floor Control, Computers in Industry, (in press). Son, Y.J., Rodriguez-Rivera, H., Wysk, R., "A Multi-Pass Simulation-Based, Real-Time Scheduling and Shop Floor Control System," Journal for the Society of Computer Simulation, (in presss).
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