Penn State University
Welcome to Computer Integrated Manufacturing Unit in FAME


Research Project Sponsored by


This project, Curriculum Innovation in Distributed Collaborative Manufacturing, focuses on the development of new undergraduate and graduate course modules in modern areas of manufacturing, which will benefit manufacturing, industrial and mechanical engineering students. As a part of this project, comprehensive teaching materials on computer control in manufacturing will be developed and made available on-line. The posted material will enable a person interested in the domain of computer-integrated manufacturing obtain information regarding different aspects regarding modeling architectures for computer control, process planning, issues related to discrete part manufacturing and control, and implementation.

The online lessons and tutorials have been developed to suit two different needs: (i) A comprehensive understanding of the topics can be obtained by pursuing the detailed "trails" provided or (ii) Key topics have been presented in a "class lecture" (slide shows) format with suggested additional reading. Quizzes and self-learning modules emphasizing creativity and providing a challenging learning environment will be made available using this website.

In due course, it will be possible to monitor the progress of inter-university undergraduate and graduate student projects via this website.
Please use the below link to see a complete list of the different modules that will be developed in this project.


VCM Learning Modules

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