Navigation Tips

Currently FAME webpages can be reached easily using two convenient tools:

  1. Pop-up menu on the left side of the screen.
  2. Site Map

Pop-up menu is a small javascript code and it sometimes creates format problems with Netscape Navigator. For now, we recommend you to use Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher versions. There will be a Netscape compatible version available soon. Please keep your browsers text size setting at "smaller" or "medium" setting for best view.

Site Map is a text-only listing of all major links in the website. It contains links to all pages listed in the pop-up menu and more. You can reach the Site Map by clicking here.

FAME webpages have two horizontal info-bars, which give you useful information. The top info-bar shows date on the left side and contains a real-time self updating clock on the right which shows the clock of your computer. The bottom info-bar shows your current location in the FAME website.

Our web development team is continuously updating the FAME pages. We value your thoughts about the FAME website. Please send your comments and questions to the webmaster.

Thank you for visiting FAME!

The Harold & Inge Marcus Department of
Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
310 Leonhard Building
University Park, PA 16802
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