A Service Learning Experience on the Northern Plains, Montana
Spring 2003 Wed. 6-8:00pm
Instructors: David Riley, Michael Rios, Scott Wing
Application available for download now! (pdf)
Course Outline (pdf)
This 3-part course will examine how sustainable building methods including strawbale construction can
be utilized to improve the poor living conditions common on American Indian reservations. Part 1
(Spring ’03): Students examine the physical and cultural environment in which a strawbale structure will
be designed and constructed. Part 2 (Summer ’03): Spend two weeks on location in Montana assisting
with the construction of a strawbale structure. Part 3 (Fall ’03): Document and reflect upon this
experience and make constructive recommendations for future research on housing programs for
American Indian tribes in the Northern Plains.
- Learn about the true history of American Indian tribes and experience first hand the culture and conditions on reservations.
- Exposure to the true history of American Indian tribes and experience the culture and climate on reservations.
- Help make a difference in some of the most disadvantaged communities in the U.S.
On-Site Experience:
- Work side by side with an Indian community in a barn-raising style construction process (construction process slide show) (site wall construction slide show)
- Live, eat, and sleep in the beauty and splendor of the Western Plains
- Attend workshops and presentations on sustainable building methods and American Indian culture
AE297H: All Schreyer Scholars may apply. Enrollment will be limited.
AE497H: All students of 5th semester standing in AE, Arch, and LArch may apply.
download the application (pdf)
- The Department of Architectural Engineering
- The Rock Ethics Institute
- The Schreyer Honors College
- Penn State Alumni Association
- The Hamer Center for Community Design
- Red Feather Development Group