Meeting a Pressing Need

Mustard Seed Communities today faces two pressing problems which are also shared by other children's homes in Jamaica that care for disabled children.

1. As an institution with children's homes, it is not permitted by law to care for children over eighteen years of age. As the organization grows, and as its abandoned and physically and mentally disabled children reach this threshold age, it is forced to find an alternative solution in order to continue to care for them.

There are no facilities, governmental or otherwise, in Jamaica that are geared to take care fo tehse individuals. It is within this context that Jacob's Ladder, a project located at Haddon, was conceived.

2. The second problem is financial in nature. Mustard Seed Communities operates on very limited financial resources. The implication of this for Jacob's Ladder is that the proposed facility must be wholly, or at least substantially, finanically self-sustaining.