Colonial American Mill Bibliography
For those needing references to more information on mills, milling, and the present state of mills in North America, we offer the following information.
Books/Dissertations on Mills (limited to Pa. and region)
- Brooke Hunter, “Rage for Grain: Flour Milling in the Mid-Atlantic”
(U. of Delaware Ph.D. thesis, 2001)
- G. Terry Sharer, “Flour Milling and the Growth of Baltimore”
(U. of Maryland Ph.D,. thesis, 1975)
- Jane Levis Carter – The Paper Makers: Early Pennsylvanians
and Their Water Mills
- Jean Seder – Voices of Kensington: Vanishing Mills, Vanishing
- Carter Litchfield and others – The Bethlehem Oil Mill, 1745-1934:
German Technology in Early Bethlehem
- Carol Hoffecker, Brandywine Village: The Story of a Milling Community
(Wilmington, 1974).
- Cynthia Shelton, The Mills of Manayunk: Industrialization and
Social Conflict in the Philadelphia Region, 1737-1837 (Johns Hopkins
Univ. Press, 1986).
- Steven Hahn and Jonathan Prude, eds., The Countryside in the Age
of Capitalist Transformation: Essays in the Social History of Rural
America (Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1985).
- Grenville and Dorothy Bathe, Oliver Evans: A Chronicle of Early
American Engineering (Philadelphia, 1935).
- Eugene S. Ferguson, Oliver Evans: Inventive Genius of the American
Industrial Revolution (Greenville, Del., 1980)
- Horace J. Sheeley, Windmills and Millers in the Eighteenth Century
(Williamsburg, 1975)
- Peter Cobbett Welsh, The Brandywine Mills , 1742-1815 (1956)
Articles on Mills
- Robert P. Stevenson, “Seven Early Woolen Mills of Western Pennsylvania,”
Pennsylvania Folklife, 1990-91 (40): 81-85.
- Arthur C. Lord, “Donegal Mills: A Case Study in Historical Geography,”
Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society, 1977 (81):
- Brooke Hunter, “Creative Destruction: The Forgotten Legacy of
the Hessian Fly,” in Cathy Matson (ed.), The Economy of Early
America: Recent Directions (Penn State Univ. Press, 2005)
- Rufus M. Fetter, “The Smith-Wallis Gristmill,” Now
and Then, 1974 (12): 548-552.
- Ralph L. Hazeltine, “Some Notes on the Use of Water Power Along
Toby’s Creek,” Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming
Historical and Genealogical Society, 1970 (23): 73-122.
- Brooke Hunter, “The Prospect of Independent Americans: The Grain
Trade and Economic Development During the 1780s,” Explorations
in Early American Culture, 2001 (5), 260-287.
- Peter Welsh, “The Brandywine Mills: A Chronicle of an Industry,
1762-1816,” Delaware History, 1956 (7), 17-36.
- Peter Welsh, “Merchants, Millers, and Ocean Ships: The Components
of an Early American Industrial Town,” Delaware History,
1957 (7), 319-336.
General Works
- Mary Schweitzer, “The Economy of Philadelphia and its Hinterland”
in Catherine Hutchins, ed. Shaping a National Culture: The Philadelphia
Experience (Winterthur, 1994)
- Paul G. E. Clemens, The Atlantic Economy and Maryland’s
Eastern Shore (Cornell Univ. Press, 1980)
- John F. Walzer, “Colonial Philadelphia and its Backcountry,”
Winterthur Portfolio 7 (1972): 161-173.
- David Dauer, “Colonial Philadelphia’s Interregional Transportation
System,” Working Papers of the Eleutherian Mills-Hagley (Greenville,
1978), 1-16.
- Berhanrd L. Herman, Architecture and Rural Life in Central Delaware,
1700-1900 (Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1987).
- Philip Scranton, Proprietary Capitalism: The Textile Manufacture
at Philadelphia, 1810-1850 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984).
- Paul Paskoff, Industrial Evolution: Organization, Structure, and
Growth of the Pennsyvlania Iron Industry, 1750-1860 (John Hopkins
Univ. Press, 1983)
- Stephanie Grauman Wolf. As Various as their Land; The Everyday
Life of Eighteenth Century Americans (Harper and Row, 1993)
- Stephanie Grauman Wolf, Urban Village: Population, Community,
and Family Structure in Germantown, 1683-1800 (Princeton Univ.
Press, 1976).
- James Lemon, The Best Poor Man’s Country: A Geographical
Study of early Southeastern Pennsylvania (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press,
1972) – Systematic analysis of mills and their locations.
- Joseph Scott, Geographical Description of Pennsylvania (1806):
lists mills by county – over 1900 by 1806
- Stella Sutherland, Population Distribution in Colonial America
(1936, rpt. 1966): chapter on Pennsylvania lists mills by county.
- Lucy Simler, “The Township: The Community of the Rural
Pennsylvania American,” Pennsyvlania Magazine of History and
Biography, 106 (1982), 41-48.
- Mary Schweitzer, Custom and Contract: Household Government and
the Economy in Colonial Pennsylvania (Columbia Univ. Press, 1987).
- Brooke Hunter, “Creative Destruction: The Forgotten Legacy of
the Hessian Fly,” in Cathy Matson, ed. The Economy of Early
America: Recent Directions (Penn State Press Univ. Press, 2005)
– also see her dissertation.
- Peter Tracy Dondlinger,The Book of Wheat (Wilmington: Scholarly
Resources, 1973)
- R. O. Bausman and J. A. Munroe, “James Tilton’s Notes
on the Agriculture of Delaware,” Agricultural History,
20 (1946), around p. 180.
- Paul W. Schopp and Carter Litchfield, “The Burlington Windmill:
A Unusual Colonial Manufactory,” New Jersey History,
114 (1990), 2-17.
- Diane Lindstrom, Economic Development in the Philadelphia Region,
1810-1850 (1978, Columbia Univ. Press)
- Henry Glassie, “Eighteenth Century Folk Cultural Process in
Delaware Valley Folk Building,” Winterthur Portfolio,
7 (1972): 29-57.
- Stevenson W. Fletcher, Pennsylvania Agriculture and Country Life,
1640-1840 (PHMC, 1950).
- Philip E. Pendleton, Oley Valley Heritage: The Colonial Years
(Pa German Society, 1994). Pendleton also has a manuscript on Berks
County mills, available at Berks County Historical Society.
- Gabrielle Lanier, “A Region of Regions: Local and Regional Culture
in the Delaware Valley, 1780-1830" (Univ. of Delaware, Ph.D. thesis,
- Dianne Wegner, “Creating Networks: The Country Storekeeper and
the MidAtlantic Economy,” (Univ. of Delaware, PhD Thesis, 2001).
- David J. Jeremy, “The British Textile Technology Transmission
to the United States, The Philadelphia Region Experience,” Business
History Review 44 (1973):
- Robert D. Arbuckle, Pennsylvania Speculator and Patriot: The Entrepreneurial
John Hicholson, 1757-1800 (Penn State Press, 1975).
- Thomas Cochrane, ed., The New American State Papers, Manufacturers
(Wilmington, 1972)
- Arthur Cole, ed. Industrial and Commercial Correspondence of Alexander
Hamilton (Chicago, 1928) – see also Hamilton's Papers
(26 vols.)
- Mildred Goshow, ed. Mills and Mill Owners of Manayunk in the 19th
Century, typescript 1970, Roxborough Branch, Free Library of Philadelphia.
- Anthony F.C. Wallace, Rockdale (New York, 1978)
- Sylvester K. Stevens, Pennsylvania: Titan of Industry, vol.
1 (New York, 1948).
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