Our Homes, Our Health - Summer Webinar Series
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact lives, communities and economies globally, it is exposing the housing crisis more than ever as families are instructed to #StayAtHome, #shelterinplace to help curb the spread of this viral disease – arguably the worst public health crisis in the recent times. With an estimated 1.6 billion people already living without adequate shelter—of which nearly 1 billion are in informal settlements -
this WHO recommended course of action for preventing, containing and mitigating the spread of COVID-19 from human to human could potentially be a death trap to many.
Under the theme: Our Homes, Our Health: Advancing an Inclusive Agenda for Building Performance, Pennsylvania State University, The Purdue Policy Research Institute of Purdue University, and Habitat for Humanity – Asia Pacific will hold a series of webinars that examine the effects COVID-19 in the living situations of people around the world especially the most vulnerable as well as strategies to that need to be put in place to mitigate the spread of similar pandemics in buildings and communities going forward. The first leg of the webinar is a three-part series that establishes the link between housing and health, and experience of vulnerable groups in the time of COVID-19.

Summer Webinar Series Part 1: Context Matters
May 20, 2020 8 PM EDT
With an estimated 1.6 billion people already living without adequate shelter—of which nearly 1 billion are in informal settlements - the WHO recommended course of action for preventing, containing, and mitigating the spread of COVID-19 from human to human could potentially be a death trap to many.
Summer Webinar Series Part 2: Global Health and Resilient Housing
June 17, 2020 9 AM EDT
This discussion with explore the critical resilient housing gaps that make managing pandemics difficult. Global health, disaster risk reduction, policy, and science communication experts will address the pertinent issues from a transdisciplinary perspective.