Jennifer Sanborn

The Memorial Reception Building, Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington, VA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Jennifer Sanborn's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Progress Log

Date Announcement
4.6.07 My CPEP site is complete and ready for final review
4.4.07 ABET and Reflection completed and posted.
4.2.07 Updated website
4.18.07 Thesis Presentation
4.12.07 Thesis Final Report Finished and Submitted
3.9.07 Presentation Outline Submitted

LIghting Check Submission

2.13.07 Met with consultant: Ted Dannerth
2.7.07 Updated and Posted Revised Proposal
1.30.07 Met with consultant: Ted Dannerth
12.20.06 Turned in and Posted Thesis Proposal
12.15.06 Lutron Presentation
12.14.06 E-mail received from Bill Bowers stating he was unable to get a hold of anyone at ANC.
12.12.06 Met with Ted Dannerth about electrical proposal
12.7.06 Preliminary Lutron Presentation to Professor Mistrick
11.28.06 Met with Ted Dannerth to go over my Technical Assignment 2
11.22.06 - 11.26.06 Thanksgiving Break
10.24.06 E-mail received from Bill Bowers stating a phone call has been made to ANC and he is waiting to hear back.
10.23.06 E-mail sent to Jason Kramer asking about the electrical yearly load. E-mail received explaining that the meter reads other building loads on the site, not just mine.
10.19.06 E-mail resent to Bill Bowers with clarification questions answered.
10.10.06 Met with Ted Dannerth to go over electrical drawings
10.02.06 E-mail sent back to Bill Bowers with clarification questions answered.
9.28.06 E-mail received from Bill Bowers asking for clarification.
9.26.06 E-mail sent to Bill Bowers with Vitetta about abstract and general questions.
9.25.06 Phone call made asking about pictures for abstract. E-mail received with pictures.
9.14.06 E-mail sent to Jason Kramer at Weigand Associates about abstract questions. Response received.
9.6.06 Started 5th year course work
9.5.06 The start of the semester
9.2.06 Received drawings, specs, and design analysis from Weigand Associates


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Jennifer |
This Page was last updated on December 20, 2006, By Jennifer Sanborn and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005