Kenneth M. Lorenz

Construction Management
Health Care Center
Central Pennsylvania

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Ken Lorenz's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Technical Assignments

Technical Assignment 1

This first technical assignment covers both the existing conditions of the Health Care Center as well as the construction project management. Inside the existing conditions the reader will find the project schedule, the building systems included in the Health Care Center, and a project cost evaluation. The other report includes the existing site plan, local conditions description, client information, the project delivery system, and the CM staffing plan.

Existing Conditions (pdf)

Technical Assignment 1 (pdf)


Technical Assignment 2

This next technical assignment analyzes the costs and methods of the Health Care Center. Included in this report are the following: a detailed project schedule, a logistical site plan, an assemblies estimate, a detailed structural estimate, and a general conditions estimate.

Technical Assignment 2 (pdf)


Technical Assignment 3

The third and final technical assignment looks at alternative methods and research for the Health Care Center. This assignment outlines areas and ideas of the Health Care Center that can be used for next semesters research. Included in this report are the following: a critical industry issues report, a critical issues research method, problem identification, and technical analysis methods.

Technical Assignment 3 (pdf)


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on December 19, 2006 , By Student Name and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005