Michael V. Abbondante

Construction Management
American Speech-Language Hearing Assoc. National Headquarters
Rockville, MD

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Michael Abbondante's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

            American Speech-Language Hearing Association National Office
            Rockville, MD
            Office in suburban area of Maryland
            137000sq ft office       
            5 stories above grade    7 total levels
Project Team:
                        Davis Construction                               davisconstruction.com
            Development Team:
                        Atsite Construction      
            Building Arch.:
                        Boggs and Partners Architecture           boggspartners.com
            Structural Eng.:
                        Cagley and Associates              cagley.com
            MEP Eng:
                        Vanderweil                                           vanderweil.com
            Civil Eng.:
                        Loiederman Soltesz Associates lsassociates.net
            Landscape Arch.:        
                        Lewis Scully Gionet                              lsginc.com
Construction Dates:
            July 1, 2006 – October 15, 2007
                        23 Million
                        Owner Restricted
                        23 Million
Delivery Method:
            Guaranteed Maximum Price
Design/Functional Components:
            A LEED silver rating building that will act as an office building.  The building will be a standard office building that will hold the administration offices of the national headquarter for the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. 
            Building, Plumbing, Mechanical:
                        2003 IBC
            Fire Prevention:
                        NFPA 2003
            Sprinkler, Fire Alarm:
                        NFPA 1999
                        1998 International Energy Conservation
                        MD State Elevator
                        ADAAG latest edition
            City of Rockville Falls Grove Development Guidelines
            Site Zoned:
            Site Area:
                        7265 Acres
                        24116sq. ft
            Gross Floor:
                        Lower Level Parking    0sq ft
                        Mid Level Parking        14622sq ft       
                        Plaza                            23285sq ft
                        Second                         24116sq ft
                        Third                            24116sq ft
                        Fourth                          24116sq ft
                        Fifth                             23615sq ft
                        Penthouse                     3200sq ft
                        Total                            137070 sq ft
                        83ft 6in
            The envelope consists of structurally reinforced pre-cast concrete.  The concrete façade is used on three of the buildings sides.  It is an architectural concrete with three specific colors used for the concrete.  Each consisting of a white, gray, and slightly darker gray, on the fourth side of the building and entrance of the building a glass curtain wall is in place.  The glass rises on the upper four stories of the building and is surrounded by metal panels.  The pre-cast section of the envelope also has strip windows on each of the levels.  The roof is a TPO or thermoplastic membrane roof with insulation underneath that rests on metal decking.

Building Statistics II:

Structural System:
The structural system is an interesting one in that it is an integrated steel and concrete building.  The building begins with a simple poured in place concrete slab.  Then concrete columns will be poured on for the below grade levels.  Two of the seven total stories are below grade.  The columns are highly repeatable and are primarily 18x30 columns at 5000psi.  In each of these columns 9 #7 rebar are used to help with tension support.  Once the above grade levels are reached the system switches to a structural steel system, in which the pre-cast panels and glass curtain wall will be attached to.  The steel columns vary in size but the two primary columns used are 14x53 and 12x40.  A steel deck is then placed on top.  The decks are two inches thick and are 18 gage.  The concrete beams that will have to be poured on site for the lower levels range from 10x23 to 30x24 with the most common size being 12x18.  Most of these beams again have #8 and #9 rebar in them to help with tension.  Finally the building has seven shear walls that are of 4000psi concrete and simply help with structural stability.

Mechanical System:
            The mechanical system in the ASHA headquarters consists of two 200 ton chillers with condenser and evaporator, two cooling towers on the roof, a heat recovery unit, and air handling units.  The mechanical room is located in the penthouse on the top floor as well as the roof for the open cell cooling towers.  The heat recovery unit is located in the penthouse and serves for ventilated air.  There is one air handling unit per floor each of a slightly different size due to the size of the floor and its primary purpose.  The first floor contains a 25000cfm, the basement has a 8000cfm air handling unit, and the second, third, and fourth floors all contain 22000cfm air handling units while the fifth floor has a 23000cfm unit.   There are two open cell cooling towers on the roof of the building.  Each acts as a condenser and is an induced draft counterflow cooling tower.  The two water chillers are centrifugal.  The pumps that are contained in the chiller plant are composed of three primary chilled water pumps and three condenser water pumps.  Each floor also consists of a set of diffusers and the fire suppression system is simply the sprinkling of the entire building.

Electrical System:
            The electrical system has not been completely determined due to the fact that the space is not being fitted out yet.  The electrical will come in the next awarded bid.  However in the lobby lighting has been determined.  The only thing determined for the lighting in the lobby is the lighting fixture schedule.  The size of the lighting for the requirements as well as redundancy will not be determined until the next bid is awarded.


Building Façade:
The building façade is very unique and interesting.  It consists of not only a glass curtain wall with multiple glasses, pre-cast concrete panels with different finishes, but also uses steel on the façade for aesthetic purposes only.  The glass curtain wall with the primary wall and faces the road but also south which will help with energy absorption and the LEED rating.  There are seven different types of glass used on the curtain wall.  There are three different types of vision glass that are used on the upper levels primarily are being inserted as gigantic sheets.  There are two types of spandrel glass being used, primarily for narrow strips that run across the curtain wall as well as for the strip windows on the other sides of the façade.  Finally on the lower levels at ground level two types of storefront glass will be used.  One will be tempered and the other will not.  The curtain wall also is using metal panels.  These will simply be for aesthetic purposes only and will be attached in a similar fashion as the glass.  They will be used to help differentiate the levels as well as help the building stand out.  One the other sides of the façade three different pre-cast panels will be used.  They will vary in color from a light grey, dark grey, and near black color.  These are simply being used for aesthetic purposes.  The dark black panels are spandrel panels and will be used to primarily “highlight” areas rather than provide the primary closure of the building.

Building Statistics

Parts 1 and 2 of the Building Statistics assignment must be formated to fit onto this page.

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on December 19, 2006 , By Michael Abbondante and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005