Nathanael Paist

Construction Management
Two Liberty Center


This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.




ABET Outcome Survey

ABET Outcomes


AE 481W/482

Outcome not able to be assessed

(Score of 0)

Level of ability demonstrated but below acceptable

(Score of 1)

Minimum acceptable level of ability demonstrated

(Score of 2)

More than minimum level of ability demonstrated

(Score of 3)

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering





b. An ability to analyze and interpret data





c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs





e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems



f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility



g. An ability to communicate effectively



h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context




i. An ability to engage in life-long learning




j. A knowledge of contemporary issues



k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice




o. Engineering design capabilities in at least two (2) of the (3) basic curriculum areas of architectural engineering, and that design has been integrated across the breadth of the program



p. Communication and interaction with other design professionals in the execution of building projects




AE 481W/482 Course Reflection

The course work for the AE 481W portion of the Senior Thesis experience was very effective in developing the skills necessary to gain a full understanding of a building construction project. Locating information through an examination of documents and through communcation with project teams and related parties helped me to develop the ability to communicate and an understanding of the structure and knowledge networks on a construction project. The information collected for the technical assignments helped me to gain a full understanding of the building project from design intent to construction process selection, which assisted in topic selection and problem identification for the second semester of thesis work.

For the AE 482 section of Senior Thesis experience, the most valuable tool for idenitfying and developing areas of research was the PACE Roundtable event held in the fall semester. Discussion sessions with fellow students, faculty and members of the industry were not only stimulating but created an environment for identifying areas of research that may be useful in advancing the construction industry. The industry members in attendance were not only knowlegdable but were more than willing to assist students with future research work in any way possible.

While completing work for the AE 482 portion, planning and completing specific tasks became the key to a successful project. The weekly schedules required were an excellent method for tracking progress and maintaining perspective on the amount of work completed and the amount of work still required. However, this method of tracking could be partially substituted by progress meetings with advisers to encourage more involvement of the faculty in the work of the students.

Overall, the AE 481W/482 course combination was an excellent experience and very effective in developing skills above and beyond the coventional college education that will prove useful as the students enter their industries of choice.

CPEP & Discussion Board Reflection

As a group of engineering students it is important to explore the various alternatives that technology provides for traditional processes. The CPEP program has turned out to be a very useful tool not only for displaying our work and making it available to the public, but also for tracking our progress and organizing the wide variety of material produced. There will obviously be further advancements in the CPEP process but the existing system is a great start to a good concept.

As students we have few tools that are as valuable to our advancement as the knowledge of the prefessionals that currently hold the positions we hope to. The knowledge of experience is unique and the industry members that have shared that knowledge through their involvement in the discussion boards have greatly helped us as students achieve the goals that we have during this thesis process.




This page was last updated on Thursday, May 3, 2007.

This page was created by Nathanael Paist and is hosted by the AE Department.


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on May 3, 2007 , By Nathanael Paist and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005
May 3, 2007May 3, 2007May 3, 2007