Ryan English is a student at Penn State University currently in his 5th year of the Architectural Engineering Program. In May 2011, he will graduate with a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering degree with an emphasis on structural systems. Ryan will receive Engineer in Training (EIT) status upon graduation, with the intent of becoming a licensed professional engineer.
This past summer Ryan acquired an internship with Barlett design, an architectural firm located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This internship experiences provided him with an understanding on how the design phase of residential construction is fulfilled. Following graduation, Ryan plans on securing a position with a structural engineering firm, allowing him to further his design skills by working on building in different markets. After which time, Ryan will apply for his Professional Engineering (PE) license. In the long term, Ryan plans on starting his own structural engineering firm with the intent of it becoming a well know engineering firm. One of Ryan’s goals is to be part of the design and construction phases of an iconic high-rise building.
Outside of academics, Ryan is involved with the local Boy Scouts of American council in his hometown. He volunteers his hours at the boy scouts camps by working on the design and construction of the building facilities on the camp. Ryan achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in July of 2002. Other activities that Ryan participates in include rock climbing, camping, and hiking.
Ryan English's Resume (PDF format)