Technical Assignments

Technical Report #1 - Structural Concepts/Structural Existing Conditions Report

Executive Summary Only - 10.8.03         Full Report - 10.8.03

This report evaluates the structural concepts used to design the UC Athletic Center.  It includes a structural system review, code requirements, gravity and lateral load calculations, member spot checking, and other considerations.

Technical Report #2 - Pro-Con Structural Study of Alternate Floor Systems

Executive Summary Only - 10.29.03         Full Report - 10.29.03

This report studies four alternative floor systems for the UC Athletic Center.  The alternate systems were selected, assumptions and design decisions were made, and each system was evaluated in a weighted pro-con format to determine which ones are viable alternatives to the existing floor system.

Technical Report #3 - Lateral System Analysis and Confirmation Design

Executive Summary Only - 11.14.03         Full Report - 11.14.03

This report evaluates and analyzes the lateral system for the UC Athletic Center.  It provides a detailed description of the lateral loads and force distribution concepts, checks story and building drifts, and considers torsion and overturning issues.  Finally, spot checking of critical lateral members is performed using 3D computer modeling software.

This page was last updated on Friday December 05, 2003.
This page was created by Brian Genduso and is hosted by the AE Department.