Chris McCune

Structural Option
Eight Tower Bridge
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Christopher R. McCune

To View a Full Resume: Christopher McCune

Biographical Sketch

Chris is originally from Voorheesville, New York; a small town located just outside of Albany. Chris moved to the northern New Jersey suburb of Oak Ridge during his senior year of high school, where he attended Jefferson Township Senior High School. Chris found his interest for both Engineering and Architecture while taking a computer drafting class during his Senior year of high school. Upon graduation, Chris declined his Navy ROTC scholarship to Virginia Tech, electing to attend The Pennsylvania State University in order to obtain a degree in Architectural Engineering with an option in structural systems.

Chris is currently in his 10th semester at Penn State in the 5-year ABET accredited AE program, and is planning to graduate in May of 2006 with a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering degree. The years of study at Penn State have given Chris a strong background in both concrete and steel design and analysis, as well as a broad exposure to an assortment of computer software packages. Chris was able to exercise some of these skills during his internship with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Bridge Unit during the Summer of 2005. During this internship, Chris assisted in the design of pre-stressed concrete box beams for use in bridges, as well as conducting field testing relating to scour of concrete and masonry bridge abutments and piers.

In addition to his academic persuits, Chris is a member of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, where he has held several executive board positions, and has also participated in Penn State's Dance Marathon for several years. Chris was also selected to become a Penn State Lion Ambassador during his junior year. Through this organization, Chris has assited in the coordination and planning of several large scale university projects and currently serves as the organization's President. All of these extracurricular activities have supplemented Chris' technical capacity with firm communication and organization skills, as well the ability to both lead and follow in a group setting.

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Chris McCune |
This Page was last updated on April 18, 2006 , By Chris McCune and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005