Progress Log

   Hello everyone, Welcome to my Architectural Engineering Senior Thesis e-Studio page. You will be able to follow my course work here online, with updates coming continuously. For more information about this and other the AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolios please refer to the AE Senior Thesis Experience.

1.16.06 Final Report Posted posted
1.23.06 Complete Schedule posted
1.16.06 January Schedule posted
12.7.05 Building Stats and CPEP Update
11.21.05 Technical Assignment 3 posted
10.31.05 Technical Assignment 2 posted
10.8.05 Technical Assignment 1 posted
9.8.05 Obtained Owner's Permission Form and Structural Drawings
9.8.05 Updated Site with new theme
9.7.05 Added Thesis Trailer (showing below)
9.6.05 Initial Site is Launched

   Please feel free to look around and direct all to me. You can also find a short trailer that I have posted for this year's Senior Thesis, It's almost twenty MB so if you have a slower connection please allow for the download. Hope you enjoy my CPEP.

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