Jason P. Fair

Option: Mechanical
Building: Student Services Building
Location: Howard Community College, Columbia, MD

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Jason Fair's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Building Statistics

  • Architecture:

  • Architecture Design and Functional Components:
    The Student Services Building (SSB) at Howard Community College is the third building that will make up the academic quadrangle. The first building in this quadrangle to the northeast of the Student Services Building is the Instructional Laboratory Building, which was completed in 2003. The next building to the south of the SSB is the Visual Arts Building, which is currently under construction. Having the Student Services Building on the western end of the quadrangle encloses the space but also allows for a more inviting main entrance from this side of the campus. The quadrangle is the first area one will enter after exiting from the parking lot. The materiality of the Student Services Building is similar to that of the Lab and Arts buildings. Also by breaking up the facade with large central atrium spaces, the buildings surrounding the quadrangle become less dominate and develop into a warmer and more welcoming backdrop.

    After walking through the quadrangle one will enter the SSB at the lower level, your gaze looks upward to the vast atrium space and ceremonial stair case which connects to the upper lobby. Other features of the lower level are the welcome center, campus security, book store, and the main dining facility. The second floor offers a lobby directly off of the parking lot. Further services adjacent to this lobby are the records and registration department, admissions and advising department, financial aid department, and the finance department. The third floor houses the test center and academic support, and the counseling and career services. This floor gives a completely different perspective of the atrium space observed at the entrances. The features of the fourth floor truly cater to the needs and hungers of the students. There is a large and a small private dining room located on this floor which is supported by the lower level dining facilities via elevators and a service corridor. The main feature of this floor is the large dining room which opens out to a roof terrace where one can obtain a bird's eye view of the quadrangle.

  • Major National Code: IBC-2000

  • Zoning: The property is zoned POR & NT SFLD. Common open area per 10-18-93 comprehensive zoning plan and FDP-72-A.

  • Historical requirements of building or zone: No historical zoning noted, however entire campus must comply with forest conservation obligations according to section 16.1202 of the Howard County Code and Forest Conservation Manual.

  • Building envelope roof, walls, windows: The building envelope consists of a curtain wall and punched windows with insulated metal panels. Typical walls are cavity walls comprised of a 4" split-faced block veneer on 8" reinforced CMU backup. Completing the envelope are layers of built-up asphalt roofing.

  • Primary Engineering Systems:
    Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab ||
    This Page was last updated on April 14, 2006 , By Jason Fair and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005