Michael A. Troxell

College of Business Administration, Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Final Report

This report is a summary of a year long thesis project which focuses on the analysis and redesign of the structural system of the College of Business Administration.  The report concentrates on the design of an alternate structural system for the CBA.  Also included are two breadth studies.  The first being an acoustical study of the new floor system, and the second being a cost analysis and a schedule comparison of the two systems.  The files below are in pdf format, click on the link to view.  To view the full report, chose the link at the bottom. 

Executive Summary

Full Report (without Appendices)


Full Report (with Appendices)

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on October 24, 2005 , By Michael Troxell and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005