Michael W. Vergari

Construction Management
Center For Health Research and Rural Advocacy
Geisinger Hospital Campus at Danville, Pennsylvania

This is a Michael W. Vergari-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Michael W. Vergari's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Technical Assignments

Technical Assignment 1

The purpose of Technical Assignment 1 is to become familiar with the Existing Construction Conditions on the Center for Health Research and Rural Advocacy project. The topics include project delivery system, building systems summary, project schedule, project cost evaluation, site layout, as well as client information and local conditions.

October 5, 2005

Executive Summary

Technical Assignment 1 Full Report

Technical Assignment 2

Technical Assignment 2 gathers information regarding how the Center for Health Research and Rural Advocacy is estimated, planned, and organized. The issues included are a detailed estimate of the structural system as well as an assembly estimate for the exterior cladding systems. The site plan is updated and shows the pertinent information regarding the superstructure erection. A more detailed project schedule is included as well as an estimate for the general conditions cost on the project.

October 31, 2005

Executive Summary

Technical Assignment 2 Full Report

Technical Assignment 3

The objective of Technical Assignment 3 is to take an in-depth look into research topics for the proposal. The topics explored include recycling and waste management concerns, utilizing a prefabrication approach for the expansive glass curtain wall, and redefining site logistics issues.

November 21, 2005

Executive Summary

Technical Assignment 3 Full Report


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Michael W. Vergari |
This Page was last updated on December 11, 2005 , By Michael W. Vergari and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005