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ABET Survey

A E 481W / A E 482 Reflection

Well, thesis is finished. And did time ever fly. I'll admit that I didn't think I would make it there for a little bit. I got much of the information I needed just in time before the deadlines. The consistent deadline structure in the Fall semester made the project seem to come along at a very decent clip. Not much time passed from one deadline before I commenced the next segment. However, in the Spring semester, with thesis due several months away, it was hard to get back into the swing of things. With a combination of determination, inspiration of others getting started, and a little bit of luck I was able to wrap everything up with time to spare.

Would I do it again? Absolutely, even though it was rather rough at times. Through all of the trials I put myself through, I was able to commisorate with my peers and ended up cashing in the hard work for knowledge, experience, and memories.

The interesting part about a project like this is finding out how much you learn after you've already learned everything. For example, what it actually means to apply the knowledge you've learned. Not just some of it, all of it. Including the "when will we ever need to know this" segments of my education. Or how wonderful it was to have gone through everything with such a great group of friends and mentors. Or that I now know how that every project is able to be completed, no matter how daunting it seems in the begining.

CPEP Reflection

I found that starting the CPEP over from scratch actually helped me get a better design in terms of the usability as I was able to iron out the details of each page. However, I don't recommend this for everybody as it was a time-consuming process.