Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
University of Texas at Austin

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio


Progress Log

Date Announcement
10 May 2007 Reflection and ABET Outcome Survey Posted
12 April 2007 Final Thesis Report Posted
26 March 2007 Presentation Outline Posted to 'Presentation' Page
28 Feb 2007 Updated Resume Posted to 'Bio' page
2 Feb 2007 Meeting with Dr. Mistrick
25 Jan 2007 Thesis Proposal (Revised) Posted
24 Dec 2006 Thesis Proposal (Preliminary) Posted
19 Dec 2006 Building Statistics Page Updated
16 Dec 2006 Lutron Presentation Comments Posted
16 Dec 2006 Technical Assignment 3 (as presented) posted
15 Dec 2006 Presented Lighting Concept Development slideshow at Lutron
13 Dec 2006 Technical Assignment 2 Posted
12 Dec 2006

Building rate structure documentation provided by Juan Ontiverous (University of Texas Campus Planning and Facilities Management)

12 Dec 2006 Consultation with Professor Parfitt (11:00am)
12 Dec 2006 May 10, 2007m)
12 Dec 2006 Consultation with Professor Holland (9:30am)
11 Dec 2006 Phone interview with Juan Ontiueros (University of Texas Campus Planning and Facilities Management)
9-11 Dec 2006 Updated Technical Assignment 3 based upon practice presentation critique
8 Dec 2006 Presented practice Lutron presentation to Dr. Mistrick
6 Dec 2006 Updated Technical Assignment 3 based upon e-mail critique from Dr. Mistrick
29 Nov 2006 Technical Assignment 2 research revisited; intensive work begins
28 Nov 2006 Technical Assignment 3 (Preliminary) Posted
19 Nov 2006 Started work for Technical Assignment 3
10 Nov 2006 Pause on Technical Assignment 2 due to other obligations
6 Nov 2006 Began Intensive work onTechnical Assignment 2 and Technical Assignment 3
3-5 Nov 2006 Sat for 2006 LC Exam (New York)
1 Nov 2006 Technical Assignment 1 (Preliminary) Posted
20-22 Oct 2006 Site Visit to Harry Ransom Center
16 Oct 2006 Meeting with Ted Dannerth for Technical Assignment 2
16 Oct 2006 Meeting with Dr. Mistrick
12 Oct 2006 Final building abstract posted
10 Oct 2006 Received electronic drawing set from Lake Flato Architects
10 Oct 2006 Preliminary building abstract posted
10 Oct 2006 Preliminary Bio Page Posted, Including Link to Portfolio and Resume
9 Oct 2006
5 Oct 2006 Preliminary Technical Assignment 1 Posted
26 Sept 2006 Meeting with Ted Dannerth for electrical consulting
25 Sept 2006 Meeting with Dr. Mistrick for lighting project scope
20 Sept 2006 Preliminary Building Statistics Posted
5 Sept 2006 Started 5th year course work























Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on May 10, 2007 , By Michael Lombardi and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005