Mike Steehler

Structural Option
University of Rochester BME / Optics Building
Rochester, NY

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Mike Steehler's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Technical Assignments

Technical Assignment #1: Structural Concepts / Existing Conditions Report

Tech #1 provides the background for the thesis project. In this report, the existing structural design of the U of R BME/Optics Building is analyzed and confirmed. After describing the structural system in detail, the design procedures, concepts, and assumptions were examined to develop a better understanding of how the building was created. All design loads were calculated and confirmed, and spot checks of gravity and lateral members were performed.

View Executive Summary

View Technical Report #1 (full report)


Technical Assignment #2: Structural Study of Alternate Floor Systems

Tech #2 expands on the gravity analysis of the previous report and provides possibilities for the structural redesign portion of the thesis project to follow. This report provides a preliminary estimate of several alternative floor systems for the U of R BME/Optics Building, and a pro-con study of each based on economics, feasibility, and effects on the building as a whole.

View Executive Summary

View Technical Report #2 (full report)


Technical Assignment #3: Lateral System Analysis and Confirmation of Design

This final Tech Report looks closely at the lateral systems used in the U of R BME/Optics Building. While Tech #1 provided lateral loads and an approximation of the lateral design, Tech #3 provides a much more accurate analysis of lateral stability in terms of distribution of lateral forces, torsional effects, and building drift. Distribution of lateral forces by the relative stiffness method (an approximation) using RAM Advanse was compared with a more accurate, full building model in RAM.

View Executive Summary

View Technical Report #3 (full report)


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on May 8, 2007 , By Mike Steehler and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005