This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.


Progress Log

Date Announcement
5.02.07 Senior Thesis Complete
4.17.07 Thesis Presentation Complete
4.12.07 Thesis Report Complete and Turned In
3.1.07 Meeting With Dr. Hanagan to Discuss Precast Calculations
2.27.07 Correspondence With Davis Safety Director Regarding Research
2.22.07 Made contact with Mark Taylor of Nitterhouse concrete for future precast assistance
2.19.07 Begin Temporary Heat Analysis
2.12.07 Met with Dr. Messner on Progress
2.1.07 Begin Thesis Safety Research
1.31.07 Presented Progress to Dr. Riley
1.22.07 CM Correspondance for Tech Analysis 1
11.21..06 Technical Assignment #3 Posted
11/06 Owner/CM/Industry Correspondence
10.30.06 Technical Assignment #2 Posted
10/06 Owner/CM Correspondence
10.5.06 Techincal Assignment #1 Posted
9/06 Owner/CM/MEP Correspondence


* Technical Analysis 1 - Soil Bearing: I am currently finishing estimating and scheduling for portions of this technical report. I will begin write up of this starting in the week of 2/12/07.

*Technical Analysis 2 - Precast Concrete Structure: I have developed a floor plan of the building in order to determine typical members for precast. This analysis is in the prelimanary stages. High Concrete will be contacted for assistance with this analysis. I will also meet with Dr. Messner to determine the best course of action to complete this technical analysis.

*Thesis Research - Precast Concrete Safety: The Warfel Construction Company Safety Director has been contacted for assistance with this matter. I am also trying to schedule a meeting with Bill Moyer of Davis Construction to discuss this issue further in mid February.

The above chart outlines Thesis project correspondence with MEP professionals, the owner, the construction manager and dates of technical assignments.

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact STUDENT |
This Page was last updated on May 2, 2007 , By Student Name and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005