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BIM Uses

Site Analysis

For Current Information about BIM Project Execution Planning is currently at


A process in which BIM/GIS tools are used to evaluate properties in a given area to determine the most optimal site location for a future project. The site data collected is used to first select the site and then the position the building based on engineering criteria (e.g. solar path, utility availability, hazardous material).

Potential Value:

  • Used calculated decision making to determine if potential sites meet the required criteria according to project requirements, technical factors, and financial factors
  • Decrease costs of utility demand and demolition
  • Increase energy efficiency
  • Minimize risk of hazardous material
  • Maximize return on investment

Resources Required:

  • GIS software
  • 3D Model manipulation

Team Competencies Required:

  • Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review 3D model
  • Knowledge and understanding of local authority’s system (GIS, database information)

Selected Resources:

  • The Site Selection Guide. US General Services Administration (GSA) Public Building Service.
  • Optimal Site Selection for Military Land Management, R.M. Wallace, ASCE Conf. Proc. 138, 159 (2004). DOI:10. 1061/40737(2004)159.
  • Farnsworth, Stephen J. “Site Selection Perspective.” Prospecting Sites. June 1995, 29-31.
  • WPBG Sustainable Committee. Optimizing Site Potential.
  • Suermann P.C. Leveraging GIS Tools in Defense and Response at the U.S. Air Force Academy. ASCE Conf. Proc. 179, 82 (2005) DOI: 10. 1061/40794(179)82.
  • GIS – Based Engineering Management Service Functions: Taking GIS Beyond Mapping for Municpal Governments.


Penn State