Image of ICON Lab

Sai Yerrapathruni

Former Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Architectural Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University

Research Topic: Using 4D CAD and Immersive Project Displays to Improve Construction Planning
Thesis Proposal - August 2002
M.S. Thesis - April 2003

Degree: M.S. in Architectural Engineering, Spring 2003

Current Position: Project Engineer, The Turner Construction Company

Contact Information:


Yerrapathruni, S. (2003) "Using 4D CAD and immersive projection displays to improve construction planning." M.S. Thesis, Department of Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, April. (Thesis)

Yerrapathruni, S (2002) "Using 4 D CAD and Immersive Projection Display Technology to Improve
Nuclear Power Plant Construction Planning." M.S. Thesis Proposal, The Pennsylvania State University. (Proposal)

Yerrapathruni, S., Messner, J. I., Baratta, A. J. and Horman, M. J. (2003) "Using 4D CAD and immersive virtual environments to improve construction planning." CONVR 2003, Blacksburg, VA.

Whisker, V. and Yerrapathruni, S. C. M. (2003). "Using immersive virtual reality to develop and evaluate NPP construction schedules." 2003 American Nuclear Society, University of California at Berkley, April 2-5. (Received award for Outstanding Paper in Policy and Economics).

Messner, J. I., Yerrapathruni, S. C. M., Whisker, V., and Baratta, A. (2003). "Using virtual reality to improve construction engineering education." 2003 ASEE Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.

Messner, J. I., Yerrapathruni, S. C., Baratta, A. J., and Riley, D. R. (2002). "Cost and schedule reduction of nuclear power plant construction using 4D CAD and immersive display technologies." Computing in Civil Engineering: Proceedings of the International Workshop of Information Technology in Civil Engineering, 136-144.

Penn State