This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

~ Thesis Proposal ~
Fall 2004


The main mechanical system alteration will consist of designing an optimized chiller plant for the building. The application of both sensible and latent thermal storage will be implemented throughout all design processes/chiller plant configurations. A water conservation study and redesign will also be conducted for the building.


MCCCH's original electrical design will be affected by the changes made to the building's mechanical system as the electrical loads generated by the building's mechanical equipment will be altered. This will result in the need for feeder, panel board, and over current protection resizing. The building's lighting scheme will also be changed for greater energy efficiency.

Breadth Work B: STRUCTURAL.

The building's structural system will also be studied at locations where new mechanical equipment might need to be placed. It is not guaranteed that this will be necessary. However, all new loads and structural framing members/concrete slabs will be studied if required.


MCCCH's construction management process will be studied for the hotel portion of the building. A short interval production schedule (SIPS) will be created for the hotel guestroom floors' construction.

Executive Summary of Thesis Proposal (last updated: 12.10.04)

Executive Summary of Breadth Work (last updated: 12.10.04)

Thesis Proposal (last updated: 12.10.04)




This page was last updated on Wednesday, March 9, 2005.
This page was created by Jessica R. Baker and is hosted by the AE Department.