Welcome to Brian's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio


Where does the time go? Senior Thesis came and went and now that I look back at it, it was quite the rough ride. When at first, I didn't get permission to use the building I wanted, I was already not happy with senior thesis. Thanks to the wonderful people at HLB Lighting Design, I was able to get a building by the time classes started.

The first semester was dedicated to the existing conditions which went farely well. From our past knowledge and experience from my summer internship in San Francisco, I was able to plug those away with a problem. Ofcourse, with deadlines close to each other, it's always eaasy to budget the time to it.

Ofcourse when the second semester came around, I found myself not wanting to work on thesis since it was due a long three months from then. Having the good start from Lutron presentations, I didn't really see a problem. Ofcourse as time went went on, the pressure hit and I worked for what seemed like eternity on the project. The CPEP websites and discussion board were definitely a good experience, however I really didn't use them as often as I had thought.

Overall, I really found the whole experience very worth while. I learned a great deal about integration between the different systems in a building as well as the reality of a budget and feasability. I will definitely take this experience with me as a beneficial one where I can hopefully look back and know it got me where I am.

ABET Outcome Survey, Course and CPEP Reflection.

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This Page was last updated on April 25, 2006 , By Brian Smith and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005