Courtney M. Perrin

Structural Option
Sherman Plaza
Evanston, IL


Welcome to Courtney's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Courtney M. Perrin

Courtney Perrin graduated from Nerinx Hall High School in St. Louis, MO in 2001. Following graduation, she began to pursue a degree in Architectural Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. She furthered her knowledge of engineering by becoming a member of the Society of Women Engineers and the Student Society of Architectural Engineers. In her Freshman and Sophomore years, she worked in the Civil Engineering laboratory at Penn State as a part of the Women in Science and Engineering Research Program. Through this research experience and other courses, she developed a preference for the Structural Option of the AE program and in her Junior year, decided to choose that option to be her focus.

In addition to her studies in Structures, she also wanted to further her knowledge of Architecture history, theory and design, so in the Summer of 2004, Courtney participated in an Architecture study abroad program in Rome, Italy. In the next semester, Fall 2004, she traveled abroad again to the University of Leeds to study Structural Engineering. Upon return to Penn State University, Courtney was accepted into the AE Masters program, and she began to take graduate student courses to complete this degree. She was also chosen to be a member of Phi Alpha Epsilon, an Architectural Engineering Honors Society. In the Summer of 2005, Courtney obtained an internship with C.E. Anderson & Associates, Structural Engineers in Chicago, IL, where she furthered her knowledge of structural drawing, design and business.

Courtney is currently in her fifth year at Penn State University and planning on graduating in December 2006 with her masters degree in Architectural Engineering. She is also currently working at the Penn State University Learning Center as a math tutor for basic and advanced math classes. She serves as an AE Envoy, which is an Open House representative, tour guide and assistant to the AE department. She is also a member of the Structural Engineers Association and the Penn State Snowboarding Club.

Full Resume: Courtney M. Perrin

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This Page was last updated on October 18, 2005 , By Courtney Perrin and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005