Welcome to Rebecca Allen's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio
Technical Assignments
ASHRAE Standard 62-2001 Ventilation Report
Technical Assignment 1: Posted October 5, 2005
Executive Summary: Posted November 21, 2005
For this report, ASHRAE Standard 62-2001, Addendum n, was
used to evaluate the ventilation performance of seven air handling units
serving the Palestra Building. The percentage of ventilation air for each
AHU, along with a detailed account of the procedure is available by clicking
on the report link above. A full summary of results is also provided. All
files can be viewed by using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Report
Technical Assignment 2: Posted October 31, 2005
Executive Summary: Posted November 21, 2005
The purpose of this report is to analyze the Palestra Building in London,
England for its building and plant energy performance. In order to develop
a model for this, Palestra was first compared and evaluated in relation
to the LEED Green Building Rating System (which is the American equivalent
of the UK's BREEAM protocol). Other calculations and comparisons performed
herein include a building energy usage and emissions analysis, building
envelope and lighting compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1, and a building
lost rentable space/mechanical system first cost analysis. After Palestra's
energy usage characteristics were determined, building load calculations,
energy analyses, and annual energy costs were calculated with the help of
Carrier's Hourly Analysis Program (HAP).
Mechanical Systems Existing Conditions
Technical Assignment 3: Posted November 21, 2005
Execuitive Summary: Posted November 21, 2005
The purpose of this report was to summarize the existing building mechanical
systems found in the Palestra Building in London, England. The mechanical
design objectives and requirements were studied. Energy sources and rates
for the building's site were obtained and reported along with other factors
that influenced the building's overall design. Schematics of their use were
presented and the effectiveness of the system's operation was critiqued.