Devin Maurizio

Lighting / Electrical
Williams College Center For Dance & Theater
Williamstown, MA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Devin Maurizio's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Progress Log

Date Announcement
04.25.07 Presentation posted
04.18.07 Thesis was presented at 9:40am
04.12.07 Final thesis report posted
02.15.06 MEP consultant refused to release panelboard schedules and electrical drawings
02.13.06 Met with consultant: Ted Dannerth
12.19.06 Still awaiting up to date cad drawings
12.19.06 Thesis Proposal posted
12.19.06 Designer's Comments posted
12.19.06 Tech 3 posted
12.15.06 Tech 3 complete, Lutron Presentation
12.12.06 Requested cad drawings again
12.11.06 Met with Ted Dannerth about spring semester electrical work requirements
11.27.06 Met with Ted Dannerth about Tech 2 grades
11.22.06 Visited my building in Massachusetts
11.02.06 Building Statistics posted
11.01.06 Lighting Proposal Memo posted
10.31.06 Tech 2 posted
10.27.06 Tech 2 submitted to Ted Dannerth
10.26.06 Abstract posted
10.20.06 Received owner permission form
10.19.06 Student Bio posted
10.19.06 Tech 2 - 60% submitted
10.12.06 Met with Ted Dannerth to discuss Tech 2
10.11.06 Tech 2 - 30% submitted
10.10.06 Requested cad drawings
10.07.06 Received set of plans and specifications
10.05.06 Chose new building, received confirmation to proceed, and began course work
09.05.06 Start of 5th year
Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on December 20, 2006 , By Devin Maurizio and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005